What is the dream of the car: old, new, racing along the road at full speed? Basic Interpretations - What a Car Dreams for


Dreams are sometimes joyful, and frightening. In dreams you can meet old friends, long forgotten love. What is the dream of the car for? How to interpret such a dream?

What car is dreaming about - the main interpretation

Seeing a car in a dream - getting a huge sum of money. Also, such a dream can portend a win in the lottery, luck in almost any business. What should I pay special attention to in a dream about a car?

• Did you dream about your car;

• Where did the car come from in your dream;

• Have you ridden it;

• What color was the car;

• Who else appeared in a dream;

• What feelings and emotions you had in your sleep.

If you dream that you are buying a new car, you will gain profitable acquaintances and connections. If you dream that you are driving in a new luxury car, wonderful events in life are waiting for you. You can achieve a lot in the near future. You yourself do not yet suspect how happy you will become.

If you dream of a car that rushes along a mountain road, you will find a long way, at the end of which new horizons will open before you. If you can’t get a soul mate in any way, then such a dream advises you to be patient and persistently move forward to the intended goal.

If you have not been able to conclude profitable contracts for a long time, then you are advised to check everything again and only then agree to a deal. The dream interpretation indicates that now is not the time to make fateful decisions.

If you dream about how you have a car in an accident, but you watch it from the side of the road, you will witness other people's problems, other people's troubles. Fortunately, they will bypass you. If you dream that you yourself became a participant in the accident - you should save your nerves. You have a series of unpleasant events that will make you nervous. These troubles will be the result of the actions of your enemies. The dream book advises to be very careful in business and financial matters.

If you dream that you visited a car salon, then such a dream indicates that soon you will be able to choose from several excellent options. If a lonely person has such a dream, then he will have to choose from several candidates. Each of them will be attractive in its own way. The choice will not be easy. But do not start relationships with several partners at once. Dream interpretation warns against such an act. As a result of this, you can be left completely alone.

If you dream that you are repainting your car, you should think about what you have been striving to get rid of in your life for so long. Perhaps these are some kind of love bonds, from which you are very tired. Perhaps this is a relationship that does not bring you joy. If so, you should calmly accept the changes that life has prepared for you. Try not to be upset in advance. It's time to change something.

If you dream that you are driving in a luxury car and the driver is driving, such a dream predicts you a break from routine and duties. You can easily transfer important things to another person. If you dream that the driver is you and you are driving someone at the appointed time to the appointed place. Such a dream promises you additional chores, additional work.

You have to fulfill it, it is inevitable. If you dream that you are holding a toy car and even begin to play with it, such a dream means that you have plunged into the world of dreams and illusions for a long time.

If you dream that you are flying a race car on the track, or even racing, such a dream means that you have a short and joyful path to your dream. If you were planning to open your own business, start a new business - you should speed up this process. Right now is your high point, don't miss it.

If you dream that someone has hijacked your car, someone will look for your success, your family. Do not be upset. It is important now to take measures to protect your interests. If it is a business, secure it, do not let information leak. If you were planning a relationship with a new partner - be vigilant, perhaps he still has candidates.

If you wash a car in a dream, you will try to improve your life. Look at her differently, find all her bright sides, joyful events. If you dream that someone else washes your car, it means that you can make your life easier with someone else’s help. If you wash someone’s car in a dream. Someone with your help will make a profit, reach new heights. But do not let others use your kindness. You must defend your personal interests.

Why dream about a car according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that if you dream about how you rush into a car somewhere far away - you are on the right path to new connections. You have been plagued by routine for a long time and now life will give you completely new relationships, completely new emotions.

If you dream that you can’t park your car in any way, you can’t find in your personal life exactly the person who will be useful to you, who will become your soulmate. But you yourself are to blame. You do not want to adapt to the interests of another; you want everyone around you to adapt to you.

Of particular importance is the color of the car in your dream:

• Red color of a car - to passion, love;

• Black color - for feelings;

• Silver - to a new stage in the relationship;

• Gray - to emptiness and routine;

• Blue - to new opportunities;

• Pink - to a new friendship;

• Yellow - to longing, despondency;

• Green - to financial obligations to the partner.

If you dream that you are driving a truck on the highway, such a dream portends a difficult transition from one relationship to another. But do not be upset and sad. You just have to take a chance. You have long been denying yourself petty pranks. Now is the time for emancipation.

If in a dream you become a member of a terrible accident, in reality you will become a member of a love triangle. If you have not suffered as a result of the accident, you will simply try to interfere in other people's relations. If in a dream you were injured in an accident, someone else will ruin your relationship.

Why dream about a car in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what a car is dreaming of. Such a dream dreams of changes in life. If you are driving a car in a dream, then in reality you will masterfully control people. If you see someone else driving your car, you will fall under incompetent leadership.

To see how the car surrenders back - you have to return to the mistakes of the past in order to quickly correct them. If you see how someone else’s car crashes and you try to help the injured, you will in reality try to help those who really need it.

If someone dies in a dream as a result of an accident, it means that you will not have time to help a person and in reality. If you die as a result of an accident, you should save your health in reality. You work too much and take on your own account. If you dream that you have a huge number of friends, and they all came to visit you in cars, you will inevitably find yourself in the spotlight. This will not be a good time for you. The result of this attention will be gossip and gossip.

What is the dream of the car for other dream books

In the Women's Dream Book it is said that if you dream of a trip in a car, you will have pleasant chores. You will in reality take care of what you have been dreaming of for so long. If you dream of a car accident in a dream - you are in trouble due to a craving for relaxation and entertainment. Do not forget about your duties, do not neglect your work.

In the dream book of Medea it is said that if you go in a dream in a taxi, you will ask for help and you will pay for it for a long time. If you are driving your own car in a dream - your ideas and plans will come true. If in a dream you are in the role of a passenger, you will depend on someone for a long time. To have an accident in your car is to survive life's upheavals. If someone else has an accident - worry about the problems of a loved one.

Do not be upset if your dream does not portend new beginnings and victories. Dreams often portend possible scenarios. Knowing them, a person can circumvent dangers, bring joyful moments closer. Everything is in his hands.


Watch the video: Car Islamic dream interpretation (June 2024).