Why dream of perfume, what does it mean to feel aromas of familiar perfumes in a dream? Basic Interpretations - What Perfumes and Other Perfumes Dream About


Dreams are a special reality. They do not come to a person every night, sometimes dreams come true. It is important to interpret them correctly.

Why do perfumes dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What do perfumes dream of - the main interpretation

Today, perfume is an indispensable household item. Their selection is huge. Someone picks them according to aroma, someone according to the brand and appearance of the bottle. It is very nice to receive perfume as a gift.

But what does the dream in which you buy your favorite fragrance mean? Such a dream suggests that soon you will be able to meet a pleasant young man with whom you will have a wonderful time. What is worth paying attention in a dream?

• Where did you get perfume in a dream;

• Do you like their aroma;

• What events are associated with them;

• Who else appears in your dream;

• What emotions overpower you.

If you dream that the perfume was donated by a loved one - such a dream suggests that you are waiting for wonderful events in life. Perhaps you can go with him on a long journey - this can be said in a dream in which the aroma of perfume resembles a sea breeze.

If you dream that you received a huge bottle of perfume unknown to you as a present, such a dream bodes surprise. Whether it will be pleasant - the following events will say about it:

• If you liked the fragrance - the surprise will be pleasant for you;

• If you didn’t like the fragrance, you will be surprised;

• If you do not smell the perfume, surprise will be unpleasant.

If you dream that you have been going around the store for a long time looking for your favorite fragrance and cannot find it in any way - such a dream suggests that you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation for a long time and you will not succeed in this.

If you dream that the perfume bottle is broken, such a dream promises you trouble. Rather, you will feel the bitterness of betrayal. It is important to remember whose perfumes were broken. If this is your perfume - you can witness an unpleasant trial. If this bottle of another person was broken, you have to find out the relationship with him. If you do not know to whom it belongs - expect trouble from an unknown man.

If in a dream you buy perfume for someone for a gift and for a long time you can’t choose from many options - such a dream promises you hesitation in making decisions and in reality. You may not be able to decide on some act for a long time. Perhaps you will still choose from several options for a long time.

It is important to interpret the whole dream, because any missed symbol in a dream already changes the interpretation. If you dream of a lot of perfumes in beautiful packaging - such a dream suggests that you should have a good time to relax, your soul wishes a holiday - let this happen.

When in a dream you talk for a long time with the seller regarding the choice of perfume - such a dream portends a lasting solution to the financial issue. The further development of events in reality depends on what events awaited you in a dream. If you nevertheless acquired the fragrance you like, such a dream portends a solution to a financial issue. If you left the store without shopping - such a dream indicates the impossibility of resolving the problem at the moment.

If you dream that you are buying perfume as a gift to another person, such a dream means that you will become the culprit of pleasant changes in the life of another. If you dream that you secretly put a bottle of perfume under the door of your beloved - such a dream promises you secret feelings and hidden experiences. You cannot be honest with yourself for a while.

It is important to remember your emotional state during sleep and on waking. If it was calm, and you felt balanced - then there is nothing to fear in the future. But, if the perfume bottle constantly fell out of your hands in a dream, or if you broke it, such a dream portends anxiety and loss and in reality. It is important not to panic, but to use all the tips of sleep for your own benefit.

It is also important to remember all the dialogs that you conducted in a dream, all the words spoken by strangers. Often, when describing a fragrance, you can hear a description of your future life. If it is described as gentle, light and alluring, such a dream portends a calm and measured future. If it is described as sweet and tart, you have to fight for your happiness.

If you saw your favorite perfumes in a dream, but their aroma is completely different - such a dream means that you will be betrayed. Someone has been eyeing you and your work for a long time. Do not so meekly trust people. Soon, everything will fall into place, but now it’s important to prepare the way for future changes.

Why dream about perfumes in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it says what perfumes dream of. Such a dream bodes many pleasant changes. You will soon have to radically change your perception of the world around you. If you smell perfume in a dream - such a dream promises you a pleasant rest, a meeting with old friends.

Spray perfume around you - such a dream indicates the need for communication. You are too self-enclosed, and you do not have enough live communication in order to fully relax.

If in a dream you are constantly disturbed by the unpleasant smell of perfume, and you can not find where it comes from, such a dream portends you with minor troubles and worries. You definitely need to relax and rest, because soon you will find painstaking and hard work on yourself.

If a young girl dreams that an unfamiliar boyfriend gave her a bottle of perfume - such a dream portends new acquaintances, a new stage in her personal life. If a married woman has such a dream, she may become a victim of temptation, someone else will appear in their relationship with her husband.

To break a bottle of perfume is not a very favorable sign. Such a dream predicts a change in plans and priorities. If you have broken your favorite perfumes and can no longer find them anywhere, then you will be fussing for a long time. This fuss can lead to the loss of the chosen position in life. Stand your ground and never give up on far-reaching plans.

Why dream of perfume in Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that perfumes dream of as a reflection of a hidden desire for love and romance. If a man dreams of his favorite fragrance, and he can’t even grasp where he comes from, such a dream portends his acquaintance with a mysterious lady. It will be a short-lived union, but it will bring many pleasant moments to his life.

A dream in which a woman captures the pleasant aroma of male perfumes - predicts her fascination with a stranger, who can even destroy an existing relationship. A woman will have to make a choice between an existing connection and a new boyfriend. It is important to interpret all the signs of sleep. Then it will be possible to more accurately predict the future.

If you dream that you are buying fragrance for yourself, you will be happy in your relationship. Buying a fragrance for another person - bring joy to someone close to you. To dream of broken perfumes and enjoy their aroma is a way to restore past forgotten relationships.

Why do perfumes dream of other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the spirits dream of a new pleasant acquaintance. If you hear their aroma, and you really like it - such a dream means that you can enjoy your partner for a long time. Relationships will bring you joy and pleasure.

If you give perfume to someone in a dream, you will be perplexed. Buy perfume in the store - you will simply spend money. If you buy a lot of perfume and simply give them away to passers-by - such a dream speaks of your predisposition to easy relationships and flirting, but do not get too carried away with such connections. Nothing permanent and bringing joy will come of them.

In the Mythological Dream Book it is said that perfumes dream of as a sign of the element of air that fills your life. Such a dream portends you an easy solution to any issue. You will just flutter above the earth with happiness. Get ready to get a lot from life and not be afraid to change your thoughts to positive ones.

No matter how sad or funny the dream may seem to you, it is important to interpret all its symbols. It is also important to remember that dreams give only general clues, and the person himself decides whether to accept them or not. If you do not like the course of events that the dream predicted for you, you can independently change it in reality. We ourselves are responsible for our actions and thoughts. Dreams only indicate options for the development of events in the future.


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