Diet recommendations for gastritis: a menu for a week. Recipes for preparing a diet for gastritis, menu, prohibited list


Gastritis is a very unpleasant inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, which is caused by malnutrition, abuse of junk food and similar habits.

Compliance with a special diet is an important and necessary stage in the process of treating a disease. Thanks to a proper diet, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn, bloating, flatulence, pain, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Dieting for gastritis: a weekly menu

There are several types of disease. At each of them or at a certain stage, you need to select a separate menu for a person. There will be many restrictions on food.

Among the prohibited products are:

• fatty meats and the same species of fish;

• fried, smoked, pickled, spicy dishes;

• pastries and bread;

• sweets and desserts;

• packaged juices and drinks with gas;

• fast food;

• coffee;

• alcohol;

• pickles;

• legumes;

• seasonings, spices and spices;

• onions, garlic, citruses.

With the usual, not aggravated stage of gastritis, you can use the example of a menu for a week. A dish for the last meal or a second dinner can be chosen at your discretion: a glass of kefir, milk, yogurt or fermented baked milk. You can drink it with biscuits or sandwiches on yesterday’s bread.

An approximate menu for gastritis (for a week)

The first day

1. As breakfast, you can serve steam meatballs 2 pcs., Garnish a portion of mashed potatoes, a tea and milk drink.

2. The second meal will be liquid - a glass of milk and jelly on fruit.

3. Lunch may consist of liquid rice soup, for a second portion of pasta with a slice of boiled trout, drink a cup of apple compote.

4. For a mid-morning snack, you can enjoy a treat of wild rose with a couple of crackers.

5. For dinner - buckwheat garnish and meatballs, steamed. Again, you can drink fruit jelly.

Second day

1. Breakfast begins with semolina porridge, packs of cottage cheese 200 g with sugar, again you can drink tea with milk.

2. Second breakfast - you can diversify the menu with a baked apple and a cup of milk.

3. Lunch - prepare lean milk soup on any allowed cereals, boil a piece of lean meat, for dessert - fruit-based jelly.

4. Snack will consist of yogurt, you can eat oatmeal.

5. Dinner - preparing rice pudding - 150 g portion, add boiled soft-boiled egg and kissel in milk.

Day three

1. Start the morning with a light breakfast of carrot salad dressed with honey. Vegetable should be boiled. Add yogurt and tea to the menu.

2. The second meal can be made sweet - cook in the oven cottage cheese and eat them with any fruit jam.

3. Lunch - vegetable soup, can be prepared in the form of cream soup, for the second portion of mashed potatoes with meatballs baked in sour cream sauce, compote.

4. The fourth meal - apple jelly from sweet varieties of fruit.

5. Dinner - porridge from rice in milk with blueberries.

Day four

1. For breakfast, prepare a delicious French omelet based on low-fat sour cream and with herbs, add biscuits to it and drink a pumpkin juice mill.

2. Repeated breakfast - make a sandwich of chicken breast, lettuce and stale bread.

3. The third meal - liquid non-fat broth on chicken breast with cauliflower, carrot puree - a serving of up to 150-200 g with two small steam meat patties, a mug of compote or jelly.

4. Afternoon snack - a lean pie with blueberries.

5. Dinner - a portion of pasta with meatballs from boiled vegetables and lean meat.

Fifth day

1. Breakfast - a salad of boiled vegetables, buckwheat pancakes, juice - carrots + apple.

2. Lunch - a glass of milk and stewed fruit.

3. Lunch - oatmeal soup in milk, fish balls, fruit jelly.

4. Snack - soft-boiled egg.

5. Dinner - meatballs to the side dish in the form of mashed potatoes from boiled carrots, zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower.

Sixth day

1. Morning reception - mashed potatoes with fish low-fat cutlets, milk tea.

2. Another breakfast - a small piece of chicken and biscuits.

3. During the day, you can eat noodle soup with milk, turkey fillet with zucchini, steamed, washed down with berry jelly.

4. Afternoon snack - a rosehip broth with 2-3 crackers.

5. Dinner - a portion of semolina and a sweet apple baked in the oven.

Seventh day

1. Breakfast - boiled beets with sour cream dressing, fried eggs with greens, tea.

2. The second meal is apple jelly.

3. Lunch - lean ear with greens, meat goulash, you can take rabbit meat, with carrots, but not tomatoes, mashed potatoes, cherry jelly.

4. Snack - cherry semolina pudding with apples.

5. Dinner - meatloaf stuffed with greens and rice - portion 200 g.

Useful recipes for a diet for gastritis

The diagnosis of gastritis is not a reason for severe disorders and great worries about the menu. Of the allowed products, you can cook such dishes, the taste of which any standard-eating person will envy.

1. Semolina pudding with any permitted fruit.

It will be required for cooking:

• groats 1 cup

• 3 glasses of milk

• vanillin

• butter

• 5 small fruits

• 2 eggs

First you need to put the semolina porridge to cook in the usual way, stirring constantly. Add oil, vanilla, cook until thickened. Separately, beat the yolks and add to the porridge mixed with pieces of fruit and a little sugar. The whipped proteins are added to the mass last. It remains to grease the cooked form with oil and send the future casserole to cook for 30 minutes in a water bath.

2. Chips for a couple.

Will need

  • beef 200 g
  • small bun
  • butter

The loaf should be stale, it must be soaked in water. Pass the meat through a meat grinder and combine with bread, then put the mass back into the meat grinder. Add a little water, salt to the mixture, crush well. To shape future little cocks, separating from the whole mass. Cook in a double boiler or just steamed.


Watch the video: Diet plan to reduce gastric problems during night - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal (July 2024).