Skewers on skewers in a pork oven - aromas of summer. Barbecue skewers recipes in the oven from pork in the sleeve, in foil, in a jar


When it is still snowing outside, when it is not possible to go outdoors, but you already want to feel the aroma of summer, just cook a delicious barbecue on skewers in a pork oven.

It is simple, fast and incredibly tasty!

Skewers on skewers in a pork oven - general principles of preparation

It is best to use neck for making barbecue. You can take other parts of pork, but they should not be very fat, but not lean. An ideal piece is pulp with thin layers of fat.

Barbecue without marinating is not a barbecue, but baked meat, so be sure to cut the pork and marinate it. A marinade can be anything: based on onions, lemon juice, wine, mineral water, mayonnaise - there are so many variations that everyone can choose a recipe to their taste.

Stringing pickled pork on skewers, you can layered meat with vegetables: onion rings, sweet pepper, eggplant.

The oven should be well warmed up; it is recommended to turn the kebab over as often as in nature. Do not forget to bake the meat with the resulting juice or marinade during baking.

1. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven, baked in a sleeve


• pork - 900 g;

• 2 onions;

• tomato juice - 2 glasses;

• salt pepper;

• a pack of spices for barbecue.

How to cook:

1. Cut the pork pulp into pieces 5 cm thick, sprinkle with pepper, salt and spice.

2. Onions - thin straws, put in meat.

3. Pour the meat and onions with tomato juice, mix well and leave to marinate for 2 hours.

4. Soak wooden skewers in water for several minutes.

5. We put the meat on the prepared skewers, put them in a baking sleeve next to each other, put the sleeve on a sheet and put in a preheated oven to bake for 35 minutes.

6. 10 minutes before full cooking, you can open the oven and cut the sleeve to form a crisp on the meat.

7. Put the prepared barbecue on plates directly with skewers, next put the sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers.

2. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven, marinated in herbs and baked in foil


• pork fillet - 1 kg;

• pomegranate seeds - 150 g;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• salt - 20 g;

• chopped nutmeg - 10 g;

• black pepper - 20 g;

• vegetable oil - 100 ml;

• spicy herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook:

1. Pork cut into medium pieces with a thickness of not more than 5 cm.

2. From the pomegranate seeds, squeeze the juice, putting them in a bag and beat off with a rolling pin. It is imperative that the juice is freshly squeezed, not ready.

3. Put meat pieces in a glass bowl, pour juice from pomegranate seeds, mix everything well, squeeze garlic through it through a garlic press, sprinkle spices, nutmeg, pepper, spicy herbs, knead with your hands, close the lid and send it to marinate for 1, 5 hours

4. We pickled meat string on skewers swollen in water at a distance of 1 cm from each other.

5. We fry the meat on skewers in a pan with butter until lightly browned.

6. Put the fried meat on skewers on a sheet with foil, wrap it well with the edges of the foil.

7. Put in a preheated oven, bake for 30 minutes.

8. After some time, open the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

9. When serving, put the meat on plates with a salad of vegetables.

3. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven, baked with lard


• a piece of pork weighing one kilogram;

• fat - 300 g;

• onion - 5 heads;

• lemon juice - 3 tsp;

• mixed red and black pepper - 20 g;

• turmeric - 15 g;

• coriander - 15 g;

• salt - a pinch.

How to cook:

1. Wash the pork fillet, dry with a paper towel, cut into pieces 4 cm thick.

2. Fat is cut into pieces 2 cm thick.

3. We rub the three onion heads on a coarse grater, put the onion gruel in the meat, salt, pepper with a mixture of black and red pepper, add coriander, turmeric, lemon juice and a little vinegar essence. Mix thoroughly and leave for 3 hours.

4. The rest of the onion heads are cut into small strips, sprinkle with finely chopped dill, pour salt, pepper, add lemon juice, stir and let it marinate for 30 minutes.

5. Marinated meat is strung on skewers in this order: a piece of meat - a piece of bacon and so on. Still mixed with meat with lard, you can string tomato slices, but so that the row ends on a skewer always with lard.

6. On the sheet, line the foil, put 3 pieces of fresh bacon on it, put the sheet on the lowermost section of the oven.

7. Put the kebab on the grill with a small gap between the skewers. We put the grate in a hot oven and bake the meat at a moderate temperature for half an hour. During this time, we turn the skewers two times to give the meat a light brown on both sides.

8. Be sure to carefully monitor the bacon lying on the bottom of the foil so that it does not smoke much. As soon as the lard begins to smoke heavily, the kebab should be removed immediately from the oven, and it should smoke a few minutes before the kebab is completely ready.

9. When serving, put the pickled onions on the plates, and put the kebab on it. You can pour ketchup.

4. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven marinated in mustard


• pork - 600 g;

• two medium onion heads;

• Dijon mustard in grains - 25 g;

• salt - a pinch;

• 20 g of black pepper;

• 50 ml of vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. Prepared (washed and dried) meat, cut into cubes 3-4 cm thick.

2. Onion cut into thin rings.

3. In a small cup, mix onion, mustard, oil, pepper and salt.

4. We put in the prepared marinade cubes of meat, close the lid and leave to marinate for 16 hours.

5. Meanwhile, soak the skewers in warm water.

6. Put the pickled meat on skewers with onions, put them on a greased baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.

7. During baking, turn the skewers so that the pieces of meat are covered on both sides with a crisp. Readiness can be determined by cutting off a little meat from a piece and tasting the taste and stiffness.

8. When serving, put the skewers on skewers on a flat dish with vegetable salad, decorating with parsley and dill leaves. Also, skewers on skewers according to this recipe can be served with boiled buckwheat or rice.

5. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven, marinated in dry red wine and baked with vegetables


• pork tenderloin - 800 g;

• 1 Bulgarian pepper;

• 3 onions;

• 1 eggplant;

• 1 tomato;

• red dry wine - 250 ml;

• a pinch of salt;

• seasoning - 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook:

1. Cut the pork tenderloin into pieces 5 cm thick each.

2. Onion cut into thick half rings.

3. In the enameled container we put the meat, seasoning and onions, mix thoroughly and fill with dry wine.

4. Close the pan with the meat lid and leave for 6 hours.

5. String the meat pieces on skewers.

6. Bell pepper, eggplant, tomato, cut into slices of 4 cm thick and string them alternately with meat.

7. Turn on the oven in the "grill" mode, put the skewers on the grill, and put some form with water down to drain excess fat from the meat.

8. Bake the barbecue for 35 minutes.

9. Serve on a flat plate, decorating with parsley and dill leaves.

6. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven, baked in mayonnaise marinade


• neck of pork - 1 kg;

• vinegar - 20 ml;

• 2 onion heads;

• mayonnaise - half a glass;

• basil - 10 g;

• salt - 10 g;

• spices - 30 g.

How to cook:

1. Wash and dry the pulp of the neck of the pork.

2. Cut into large pieces and lay in a deep enameled pan.

3. In the meat we put chopped onion in half rings.

4. Pour seasoning and basil.

5. In a glass, mix mayonnaise with vinegar and pour into the meat, mix well and leave for 4 hours.

6. We put the meat on wooden skewers with onions and put on a sheet covered with parchment paper.

7. Bake in the oven for no more than half an hour. When baking, open the oven several times and turn the skewers over.

8. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

7. Skewers on skewers in a pork oven in a jar


• 1.4 kg of pork;

• 80 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp salts;

• spices for barbecue;

• three onions;

• 2 glasses of mineral water;

• 200 grams of smoked bacon.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly washed and dried meat, cut into pieces about 5 cm.

2. Put the pork in a bowl, salt, cover with spices.

3. Onion cut into rings, put in a bowl with meat.

4. Pour everything with mineral water and soy sauce, mix thoroughly directly with your hands.

5. While the meat is pickled, soak the skewers in cold water, cut the bacon into small layers.

6. String the pickled meat on prepared skewers, alternating pork with bacon.

7. Put the skewers on skewers in suitable jars. Dry the jars and put them in the oven.

8. Turn on the oven at 170 degrees, cook the dish for an hour.

9. Serve hot, serving to your liking.

Skewers on skewers in a pork oven - tips and tricks

• Cook kebabs only from fresh meat, it is not so juicy and tasty from frozen pork.

• To saturate the pork thoroughly with marinade, salt it immediately before baking.

• To prevent wooden skewers from catching fire, be sure to put them in cold water for an hour or two, then use them.

• Cut the meat large, so the kebab will turn out juicier. Small pieces, though they’ll fry faster, will turn out to be rather dry.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. June 5, 2019 (July 2024).