The benefits of dark chocolate: what's good about it? Rules for the use of dark chocolate without harm to health, contraindications


Chocolate is one of the favorite treats of almost every person. Black, milk, with raisins or nuts - taste preferences vary.

It is worth noting that it is bitter chocolate that has significant benefits for the body. An ideal product is one that contains 72% cocoa. It is natural, has a bitter taste, rich aroma.

If you want sweets, it is recommended to give preference to this particular product.

Calorie content and composition of dark chocolate

Each brand produces dark chocolate in its technology. The consumer needs to know that the more cocoa in the composition, the more useful the product will be. It is also worth noting the calorie content of dark chocolate. There are 539 kcal per 100 grams.

Several segments of the product will not harm the figure, since it has a low glycemic index. The fair sex, watching their figure, I limit my diet from sweet treats. It does not concern dark chocolate. Even the strictest diet is allowed a piece of dark chocolate.

Few people realize that the benefits of dark chocolate stem from its valuable vitamin composition:

• thiamine and riboflavin;

• flavonoids;

• calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron;

• Vitamin E, PP.

The benefits of dark chocolate for the human body

It is difficult to believe that the use of chocolate can favorably affect the general condition of the human body. However, it has been proven that this is indeed so. A slice of dark chocolate is recommended to be eaten daily by both adults and children.

1. Surprisingly, a long slice of bitter chocolate calms a long, tiring cough. The product contains theobromine. Medical studies have shown that it softens the throat, soothes a cough.

2. Allows you to lower blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are advised to consume 30 grams of dark chocolate daily (72% cocoa or more).

3. If you constantly consume bitter chocolate (in reasonable amounts), the risk of stroke and a heart attack is reduced. It is also known that in the composition of the product there are antioxidants that are useful for the brain, as well as the cardiovascular system.

4. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

5. The use of dark chocolate for the nervous system has been repeatedly proven. 20-30 grams of the product relieve stress, quickly cheer up. As a result of eating chocolate, the production of the hormone endorphin (the hormone of happiness) is stimulated, as a result, a person feels satisfaction.

6. The composition of dark chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants. They are required by the human body in order to fight free radicals. Antioxidants can slow down the aging process, prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart.

7. Dark chocolate "pacifies appetite." For this reason, the product is not forbidden to include in the diet even the most stringent methods of weight loss. A slice of dark chocolate makes up for the daily need for sweets, controls the number of calories.

8. Calcium in the composition strengthens the teeth, skeletal system, prevents the development of caries.

9. Dark chocolate can sometimes be used as an “analgesic”. 20-30 grams of the product will remove pain during menstruation from the fair sex.

How to choose a good dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be found in every store from various manufacturers. However, it is not recommended to rush and buy the first product tile that comes across. There are a few "secrets" whose knowledge will help you choose good chocolate that is truly healthy.

1. Be sure to initially pay attention to the composition indicated on the package. A quality product contains less than 30% cocoa butter and more than 55% cocoa mass. It is recommended to buy chocolate, which contains 72% of cocoa - it is the most natural, healthy.

2. When breaking a bar of chocolate, a person will hear a slight crunch.

3. The color of dark chocolate will not be black. It is dark, black-brown.

4. You need to pay attention to other ingredients of the product. There should be only three components - this is powdered sugar, grated cocoa and cocoa butter. Nothing more.

Important! The presence on the surface of the chocolate bar of white plaque suggests that it is old.

Some manufacturers use palm oil to make the product. The main thing is that it should be no more than 5%, otherwise the benefit of dark chocolate immediately burns out.

Homemade dark chocolate: delicious, healthy, simple

How to get the maximum benefit of dark chocolate for your body? Of course, cook it yourself at home. The recipe is extremely simple, the process will not take much time. The result will amaze. It will turn out delicious, healthy dark chocolate - absolutely natural. The main advantage is that the person will clearly know which ingredients he used.

The following components must be prepared:

• 100 grams of cocoa beans;

• 40-60 grams of cocoa butter;

• 2-3 tablespoons of honey, coconut sugar can also be used.

To your taste, the recipe can be varied with other ingredients - mint, raisins, vanilla, orange peel.

Step-by-step recipe for home-made dark chocolate

1. Using a coffee grinder, cocoa beans are ground to a powder state.

2. Cocoa butter is melted in a water bath (you cannot bring it to a boil).

3. Cocoa butter thoroughly interferes with the cocoa powder. When the mass reaches room temperature, honey is added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

4. The chocolate mass is ready. It remains to pour it into pre-prepared tins and put in the refrigerator overnight. As a result, in the morning you can enjoy incredibly tasty, aromatic natural candy and cocoa beans.

What harm can dark chocolate cause to the body?

The benefit of dark chocolate for the body can be obtained only if you do not abuse the product. It is not recommended to include in the diet for people with impaired metabolism, high blood sugar.

Contraindications and important nuances of dark chocolate

1. The presence of migraine attacks is one of the important contraindications to the use of the product. It contains tannin, characterized by a vasoconstrictor effect.

2. If you purchase low quality chocolate, its use leads to an exacerbation of gastritis.

3. Abuse of the product can lead to insomnia, dizziness, rashes on the dermis (allergies).

4. Due to the high calorie content of dark chocolate, it can be consumed no more than 20-30 grams per day. All surplus will affect the centimeters of the waist.

The benefits of dark chocolate for the body are invaluable. If you choose only a quality product, do not abuse the quantity, you can achieve an amazing effect.
