The benefits of kissel for the body: the composition of the product, a beneficial effect on the body. Tasty jelly: contraindications, harm to the drink


Kissel is considered one of the most popular national Russian drinks, which has no analogue worldwide. The attitude to the "dish" is rather ambiguous.

Some people consider it incredibly tasty, while others do not like the strange consistency. Despite this, the benefits of kissel for the body are invaluable.

The drink has a serious composition, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

By choosing the right ingredients, you can solve many health problems. However, do not forget that jelly can be harmful, the drink also has its contraindications.

The benefits of kissel for the body are due to its chemical composition. Surprisingly, scientists were not able to determine the exact amount of vitamins, other elements of dry concentrate. A drink made at home is a completely different matter. It contains many important nutrients, minerals for the body.

Kissel composition: main components

1. Potassium - maintains optimal acid-base balance. An element is necessary for a person to function properly in all muscle groups.

2. Thiamine (B1) stimulates brain activity, as well as strengthens the nervous system, prevents stress.

3. Riboflavin (B2) actively involved in the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. It also helps to strengthen the immune system.

4. Niatin (PP) normalizes blood coagulability, and also allows you to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

5. Pantothenic Acid (B5) supports hormonal levels.

6. Lysine - An amino acid necessary for the fastest recovery, tissue growth.

7. Methionine allows you to maintain liver function, as well as the optimal level of cholesterol in the blood.

8. Choline stimulates brain activity, and also maintains normal insulin levels.

The benefits of jelly for the body can be even more significant. It all depends on what ingredients were used to prepare it.

The benefits of kissel for the body

Kissel has long been recommended for use by adults and children. It was believed that the drink allows you to strengthen the immune system, cope with diseases and simply establish the work of the digestive system.

1. The consistency and composition of the drink is incredibly “soft”, so it is recommended for people who have a stomach ulcer, gastritis. Kissel during the period of exacerbation of the disease will allow to relieve pain.

2. The drink is an excellent assistant in the fight against dysbiosis. It allows you to normalize the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, to establish intestinal motility.

3. 1 glass of jelly, drunk before a meal, will avoid overeating and an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This is especially true for those who monitor their weight.

4. Drink nourishes the body with energy. It is recommended to drink jelly in the morning to feel a surge of strength during the day.

5. Kissel allows you to normalize the kidneys, it removes from the body all the accumulated excess fluid, due to which you can avoid swelling, feelings of bloating.

6. The starch contained in the composition allows the drink to activate metabolic processes.

The benefits of jelly for the body still depend on what ingredients it was prepared from. For example, an oat drink is highly recommended for those who monitor their weight. Cranberry jelly should be drunk during an exacerbation of viral diseases in order to strengthen the immune system. The cherry-based drink effectively removes toxins and toxins from the intestines.

Delicious jelly: homemade recipes

Finding jelly in the store is now no problem. The powder product is sold in almost every shop at an affordable cost. However, it is worth noting that such a drink contains many times less nutrients than jelly, prepared at home with your own hands.

Milk Thick Jelly

For a drink you need to prepare:

• half a bag of vanillin;

• 800 ml of medium fat milk;

• 20-30 grams of sugar;

• 4 tablespoons of corn starch;

• berries of blackcurrant, cranberry (5 tablespoons each), 20 grams of sugar are taken for syrup.

Cooking jelly is not very long. It is necessary to bring the milk to a boil, then add sugar and vanillin, stir everything thoroughly. Separately, cold milk is poured into a glass, starch is bred there. The mixture is added to the general pan, boils for 2-3 minutes. The drink is removed from the fire, poured into small glasses prepared in advance. Berries for syrup are strongly squeezed to release juice. "Skins" are poured with a small amount of water, put on fire, after boiling sugar and juice are added there. The syrup cools to room temperature. They can pour jelly before serving.

Cherry drink

Of the components for jelly are prepared:

• fresh berries of a cherry (200 grams);

• 1 tablespoon of potato starch;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature.

Cherry is peeled, the berries must be thoroughly kneaded in a deep bowl. Water is poured into the container, the juice is separated. Now you need to take the remaining pulp and boil it for 5-7 minutes. The "skins" are filtered, poured with juice, then other ingredients (starch, sugar) are added there. The drink boils for 2-3 minutes, is poured in portions while it is still hot. Kissel is ready to eat.

Juicy apple jelly

The benefits of jelly for an organism made from apples can be reaped year-round. It takes a minimum of time to make a drink, and it turns out to be incredibly tasty.


• 300 grams of your favorite apples;

• 1 tablespoon of water;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 1 tablespoon of starch.

Apples are cut into 4 segments, the seeds are carefully removed. Slices are stacked in a deep pan, filled with water. Sugar must be added to the mixture, it is brought to a boil. The drink cools to room temperature. Fruits are now taken out of the broth, they are thoroughly wiped with a sieve. Starch, mashed apples are added to the drink. Everything mixes well, once again brought to a boil. A similar recipe is suitable for the preparation of quince jelly, pears.

Possible harm to jelly, contraindications

Despite the fact that the benefits of jelly for the body are huge, there are some cases in which this drink is not recommended.

1. The presence of excess weight. The jelly contains a large amount of carbohydrates, due to which the drink is characterized by high calorie content. If you are overweight, you need to use it extremely carefully.

2. Due to the high sugar content in the drink, it is highly not recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

3. If the kissel is bought in a store, you need to carefully study its composition in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Kissel is a very tasty drink. However, in order to really get the most out of it, it is better to spend time and cook it yourself at home.


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