February 2018 lunar haircut calendar: favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, curls and hair coloring


The February moon obeys all the same cosmic laws, and therefore it is better for us to compare our life with the eternal clock. The shortest month is as important in hair care as any other. The curls will be beautiful, and the color and waving successful, if you carry out the appropriate procedures on the lunar calendar.

Main events of the month:

• a plating moon disk is observed from the seventeenth to twenty-eighth of February;

• the birth of the lunar sickle rejoice sixteenth;

• the waning lunar disk is visible from February 1 to 15.

There will be no full moon in February, so on a magical day when everything is allowed in the manipulation of hair, you should not hope. It is all the more important to look at favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and coloring curls.

February 2018 lunar haircut calendar - hair wave

Thanks to the salon curl, you can radically change the image. However, chemicals are aggressive, and therefore can spoil the hair. To avoid this, it is best to choose favorable days when dyes do not so much destroy the structure of the hair shaft. The lunar calendar will tell you how to avoid dullness, brittleness, lifelessness of curls.

The most favorable stage for the “Khimki” is the passage of the beauty moon through the house of Virgo. I dare to plan a salon waving at the beginning of the month - February 2 and 3. These days, the hair will hardly suffer from chemicals, will retain the strength of shine.

An ambiguous result promises a wave to the days when the moon is in the Leo zodiac. The fact is that Leo enhances the natural waviness of the hair. Therefore, for owners of curls naturally curled, the “Khimki” may turn out to be too strong. Fearlessly trust the master in the "lion" period of the first, twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth of February can only girls with thick, stiff hair.

Water signs of the zodiac enhance the possible harm from perm. Do not appoint a radical change in image these days:

• from the sixth to the eighth of February (Scorpio);

• February fourteenth, fifteenth (Aquarius);

• from sixteenth to eighteenth of February (Pisces);

• from twenty-fifth to twenty-sixth of February (Cancer).

Natural keratin protection these days is weakened, so the damage from the procedure is maximum. Hair will have to be treated for a long time.

February 2018 lunar haircut calendar - hair coloring

Hair coloring is also a rather aggressive procedure. It is safest to carry it out in the cabin. Then the color will turn out to be expected, and the hair will not suffer as much as from unprofessional coloring agents. The easiest way is for those who use natural basma or henna all the time: they usually have healthy, strong bands.

Dyes will harm strands less during the period of moon growth. In February, this is the entire second half of the month, from the 17th to the 28th. Within 12 days, you can safely plan a color change or tinting. Nevertheless, the 13th lunar day, which falls on this favorable period (February 27), may have its negative effect on the result. Be careful with this day, spend staining as a last resort, otherwise the color may disappoint.

The lunar calendar can be used to improve your life if you dye your hair in accordance with the recommendations of astrologers. You can get such results from the procedure:

• 3rd: new features will appear;

• 7th: improve financial position;

• 8th, 12th: will cheer you up;

• 17th: improve relationships with others;

• 18th: natural paint will strengthen authority at work, ensure financial stability;

• 26th, 27th: guarantees success in business.

Staining is not worth it February 5, 10, 14 (relations with others will deteriorate), February 15 (the color will turn out wrong), February 20, 22 (will provoke a quarrel), February 28 (health will worsen).

Tip: You can prepare for staining in advance to reduce the risk of damage and quick washout of the dye. It is necessary three days before the intended procedure to make the procedure for deep hydration of the hair. For this, a professional mask applied to curls is suitable.

February 2018 lunar haircut calendar - favorable haircut days

The lunar-star calendar guarantees the pleasure of a haircut carried out during the period of combining the lunar disk with the houses of Virgo (in February this is the second and third number), Taurus (21st and 22nd), Gemini (23rd and 24th ), Capricorn (eleventh and twelfth). The result will be exactly the one you wanted to get, and the hair will remain strong, shiny or, on the contrary, will be filled with health as a result of the procedure.

In addition, it is important to consider astrological recommendations for the days of the month. Favorable haircut in the following days:

• 6th: improve health;

• 14th: give well-being;

• 19th: strengthen financial position;

• 22nd, 26th: lengthen life.

Tip: if you need to quickly restore weakened, thinned hair, you can cut them during power in the sky of the zodiac Leo. In February 2018, it is three days: 1, 27, 28. Additionally, use burdock oil for two months, applying it as a mask for 3-4 hours in two to three days.

February 2018 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

Hair cutting adversely affects their appearance if the procedure is carried out at the wrong time. Unfavorable periods are the presence of the moon in the homes of Scorpio (February 6-8), Aquarius (February 14-15), Aries (February 19-20), Sagittarius (February 9-10). Either the master will not succeed, or the hair will begin to behave in a bad way: deteriorate, break, split, quickly become dirty.

In addition, a haircut can cause trouble in the following days:

• 1st, 15th, 20th: attract failure;

• 3rd, 9th, 23rd, 24th, 25th: worsen well-being, can cause illness;

• 4th, 10th: will cause health problems;

• 11th: provokes depression;

• 13th: shortens life;

• 18th: frustrate plans.

Tip: from February, start taking multivitamin preparations marked "beauty." This will help prepare for the summer season: make hair shiny, thick, protect from aggressive solar ultraviolet radiation.

During February, it is important to choose the right day to visit the hairdresser. Do not give up nursing procedures during the period of "losing weight" of the lunar disk. Even on the waning moon, you can choose the days when a visit to a beauty salon will leave a good impression.


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting. Thicker Hair. YVONNI (June 2024).