The thumb on the arm hurts - what is the diagnosis? What to do, which doctor to go if the thumb on the arm hurts


The human hand is a complex motor system. Thanks to its structure, a person is able to perform the most subtle manipulations that are not available even to higher animals. But such functionality is not in vain: a representative of our species is at times more susceptible to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the spine, elbow joint and thumbs are most affected.

If you miss an important point and let the pathological process drift, the risk of disability and disability is great.

What is important to know about possible problems with the thumb?

The thumb on the arm hurts: causes

There are many possible reasons why the thumb on the arm hurts. In all cases, we are talking about pathological processes.

• The first and most likely reason is arthritis of the thumb. This insidious disease is characterized by a symmetrical lesion of small joints, which include the thumb. In contrast to arthrosis, the pathological process in arthritis is characterized by inflammation of all surrounding musculoskeletal structures. There are various types of arthritis, the most common are rheumatoid and gouty arthritis.

Injuries. They can also cause pain in the thumb. It often happens that joint inflammation begins much later when a person forgets about the injury.

Arthrosis of the thumb. A relatively rare pathology, unlike arthritis, affects only cartilage tissue and only one finger. It is characterized by inexorable progression with increasing deformation of articular tissue.

Hereditary autoimmune diseases. Not the last role in the formation of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is played by genetic factors. It may be rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Osteoarthrosis. It is a degenerative-deforming pathological process. A characteristic feature is the absence of inflammation in the tissues.

Endocrine diseases. By themselves, the cause of pain in the thumb is not, however, they increase the likelihood of developing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Tunnel syndrome. The real scourge of office workers and musicians.

Ligament inflammation (ligamentitis).

All these reasons why the thumb on the arm hurts are found in isolation, but can “go” in the complex. Often there is arthritis complicated by arthrosis, etc.

Risk groups and negative factors

Some people are more prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are included in the so-called risk group. Who is it about?

• Office workers. By the nature of their activities, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer. The hands do not like this treatment, so very soon tunnel syndrome develops from constant contact with a computer mouse.

• Musicians. Especially string players. The brush is also not designed for prolonged stress in an uncomfortable position. Guitarists, bassists often develop the same tunnel syndrome.

• Persons abusing red meat, nuts, alcohol. Subject to the development of gouty arthritis.

• People with relatives suffering from rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis. Of course, the disease itself cannot be inherited. However, the characteristics of immunity are transmitted along with the genes, which means that the risk of getting sick is higher.

• Persons living in adverse environmental conditions.

• People engaged in manual labor.

Symptoms of thumb pain

After identifying the reasons why the thumb on the arm hurts, you need to talk about the symptoms of the most common diseases. Various symptom complexes play a large role in the differential diagnosis.

It is not worthwhile to make a diagnosis on your own, but after listening to the body, you can draw some conclusions and contact the appropriate specialist.

Pain is the most common, but also the least specific, syndrome of pathologies of the joints of the thumb. With arthrosis, it is characterized by monotony, duration. The patient is uncomfortable throughout the day. This distinguishes arthrosis from arthritis: with arthritis, the nature of the pain is more acute, it subsides during the day and intensifies in the evening and night, until noon the next day.

Stiffness of movements. It is characteristic of arthritis and ligamentitis. In the first case, patients describe this condition as a tight glove that restricts movement.

• Symptoms of general damage to the body, such as hyperthermia, weakness. They are found in inflammatory processes: with arthritis, ligamentitis. When arthrosis is not found.

Joint redness. It is observed with rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic arthritis.

Swelling of the joints.

Thumb deformities. Characteristic of late stages of arthritis and arthrosis.

Feeling of goose bumps, numbness et al. These symptoms are characteristic of tunnel syndrome.

In general, the symptoms are at first glance not specific. However, the doctor will understand without problems what is happening through diagnostic measures.


Diagnosis, especially differential, presents some difficulties when it comes to joints. A person who has a sore thumb on his hand is advised to consult a general practitioner or surgeon at the local clinic as soon as possible. These doctors act as a kind of navigators and help determine the future tactics of the examination. Various doctors deal with joint problems:

• Orthopedists.

• Urologists (with gout).

• Endocrinologists (in tandem with a urologist, in case the disease is caused by metabolic disorders).

Examinations begin with a medical history: an oral examination of the patient is not the subject of his complaints. The patient’s task is to clearly tell everything and answer the doctor’s questions.

After examination and palpation of the thumb comes the turn of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Instrumental methods include:

• Ultrasound of the joint.

• MRI / CT.

• Radiography.

Laboratory methods of diagnosis are also extremely important:

• General blood analysis.

• Blood biochemistry.

• Urinalysis (necessary to detect the concentration of urate salts, which usually cause gouty arthritis).

In general, these studies are quite sufficient for an accurate diagnosis.

The thumb on the arm hurts: what to do

In sick people, a completely logical question arises: "what to do when the thumb in the hand hurts?" The answer is on the surface: you need to contact a specialist and start treatment. Treatment, mainly conservative. Surgery is resorted to only in advanced cases, when the joint loses its functionality.

For the treatment of various pathologies that affect the thumb, apply preparations of the following groups:

• Analgesics (painkillers).

• Antispasmodics.

• Anti-inflammatory drugs.

• Chondroprotectors (especially necessary for arthrosis).

• Uricosuric drugs (prescribed for gout).

In the subacute phase and in the remission phase, physiotherapy is indicated. Specific names of drugs, as well as physiotherapy are prescribed only by doctors.

What to do if the thumb on the hand hurts badly, and a decent amount of time remains before visiting the doctor? In this case, you can give yourself first aid and take the analgesic pill once: Novigan, Analgin, etc. It is impossible to overuse the drugs in any case, this will smear the clinical picture and complicate the work of the doctor.

Prevention of pain in the thumb

Special preventive measures do not exist.

It is enough to adhere to common sense and some recommendations:

• Do not abuse red meat, fatty foods, alcohol. This is a direct way to increase the concentration in the blood of urate salts and gout (deposition of urate salts in the joint cavity).

• Do not overcool. Hypothermia can lead to the development of arthritis.

• You cannot keep your hand in the same position for a long time. This is fraught with the development of tunnel syndrome.

• It is recommended that prof. inspections, even if nothing bothers.

Pain in the thumb can be caused by a variety of reasons. Independently figure out what is almost impossible. Therefore, as soon as the body begins to signal a malfunction - you should immediately seek medical help.


Watch the video: Is your Arm Pain Coming from your Neck? 3 Tests you can do to tell (July 2024).