Useful masks for nourishing hair: how to do it correctly. Compositions of nourishing hair masks: with herbs, oil, henna, honey


Shampoo and conditioner are not enough for hair care. Necessarily need additional care, depending on the season and condition of the hair. In cold weather, you need to nourish your hair, in the heat to moisturize, and at the same time solve additional problems: get rid of dull color, brittleness, greasy, prone to loss. Thanks to homemade masks for nourishing hair, this can be done cheaply and simply.

How to apply masks

To get the desired result, it is important to make masks for nourishing hair regularly, from two to three times a week. You can’t cook them for the future: devoid of preservatives, completely natural, they deteriorate very quickly. The composition is mixed, applied to the roots and rubbed into the skin before washing or after.

To get the maximum effect from the procedure, it is important to take into account the application procedure:

• before applying the mask, massage the head, starting from the center of the eyebrow line, then gradually shifting the fingers to the temples, crown, nape, neck;

• Having finished massaging the skin, you can take the hair in the root zone and pull the strands vigorously upwards to further increase the blood flow to the bulbs;

• apply a freshly prepared composition to the skin (not to the hair) and rub into the roots. Only after that the mask can be distributed among the strands;

• wrap your head in a towel (so as not to stain it and make the thermal effect even stronger, you can first cover your hair with plastic wrap);

• keep the mask for at least half an hour. Sometimes, if a quick result is required, the composition is left on the hair overnight;

• The mask cannot be washed off with hot water. The optimum temperature is not higher than 35 °, that is, the water should be rather cool;

• do not use a hairdryer: after applying the mask, it is better to let the hair recover completely in a natural way, without thermal stress.

If the mask for nourishing the hair contained not very pleasant odorous components, for example, onions or garlic, then rinsing with tea tree oil, grapefruit, lemon will help get rid of such a "perfume".

The effect of the procedures will not come quickly. But gradually the condition of the hair will improve: the shine, strength, elasticity will be restored. This can be seen in three weeks, subject to regular use of the composition. Masks are best done in courses if a specific problem is solved. Then the composition can be changed so that the curls are not accustomed to the uniform care and the effectiveness of the procedure has not decreased.

It is important that for dry, naughty, brittle hair, kefir, vegetable and cosmetic oils, and yolk are suitable as components. They smooth the scales, create a strong film around the hair rods. Mustard, lemon juice, clay effectively act on sebaceous curls. These substances soothe the sebaceous glands, and gradually the hair ceases to become very dirty.

Dry Hair Masks

As the main components, you can take inexpensive, but literally miraculous burdock and castor oil, cosmetic oils, oil and water solutions of vitamins, henna (all this is sold in the pharmacy). We will supplement the composition with fruits and some products from home cooking.

Oil coffee

To prepare this mask you will need:

• burdock oil - 3 tbsp. l .;

• castor oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• dry mustard in powder - 1 tsp;

• chicken yolk.

Burdock oil is considered ideal for restoring hair in any condition. It looks after curls, and restores hair follicles. The composition is mixed after the yolk reaches room temperature. If the mixture is too thick, you can pour a little water into it. You can apply it on clean and dirty hair. Keep long enough for at least two hours. As a result, the strands will become dense, silky, filled with strength, and the hair roots will be strengthened.

Vitamin Yolk

The composition of this mask is as follows:

• oily or aqueous solutions of vitamins E (tocopherol) and A (retinol) - 1-2 ampoules;

• large cucumber;

• protein of large chicken eggs.

Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater, cutting off the peel from it. Carefully separate the protein from the yolk and beat well. Connect all the components of the mask and apply the entire length of the strands to the length. Wrap the head with a film, fix it with a hat or a cloth and stand on the hair for half an hour.

With aloe

Homemade aloe is often used as an effective means of home cosmetology. If there is no living plant, you can replace its juice with an inexpensive, but amazing in its properties extract, which is sold in a pharmacy.

It will be required for the mask:

• fresh juice of homemade aloe - 2 tbsp. l (or a similar amount of liquid pharmacy extract);

• fresh sour cream - 1 tsp;

• ripe peach;

• sesame oil - 1 tsp

Instead of sesame oil, you can take peach oil, wheat germ, olive or other cosmetic or edible oil. Peach the peach with a fork (discard the peel), mix all the ingredients. If the mask turned out to be watery, excess fluid can be drained. Apply to hair, do not wrap anything, rinse after twenty minutes.


This composition is especially good if the ends of the hair are split. What do you need:

• inexpensive cognac - 10 ml;

• kefir - 3 tbsp. l .;

• jojoba oil - 1 tsp;

• yolks - 2 pcs.

The fat content of kefir should not be higher than 2.5%. Instead of kefir, you can use bifidoc, yogurt. Having mixed all the ingredients, the resulting mixture must be applied to the hair, insulated with a film and a handkerchief and left for a long time. If you can’t hold the mask all night, you can limit yourself to 4-5 hours during the day.

Flax seed

A mask for feeding hair from flaxseed will help nourish dry hair. A tablespoon of raw materials should be steamed with a cup of boiling water, insist under the lid for half an hour, then strain. Beat the infusion with a whisk or mixer, rub into the skin and spread over the curls. Keep under the film for about two hours.

Masks for nourishing oily hair

Oily hair needs nutrition as much as dry hair. Algae, yeast, tea tree oil work well on greasy hair.

Oat and algae

The algae mask perfectly looks after any type of hair. To prepare the composition you will need:

• oat flour - 1 tbsp. l .;

• dried kelp - 5 tbsp. l .;

• wheat germ oil - 1 tsp. (you can take linseed oil);

• milk -? Art.

Milk needs to be heated and pour algae powder into it. After 10 minutes, add oil and oatmeal flour to the mass, mix and apply to clean hair. Hold for two hours, then rinse.

Oil and clay

In order not to burden already oily hair, clay should be added to hair mask. It incorporates a skin secret, deeply cleanses, and acts well on hair follicles. Mask composition:

• black clay - 3 tbsp. l .;

• three drops of tea tree oil extract;

• rye flour - 2 tbsp. l .;

• kefir or yogurt -? glasses.

The secret of this mask is that its components are applied separately. First, distribute the clay diluted with water on the skin at the roots to collect greasy secretion. Then combine the remaining components and apply on curls. Hold for 15 minutes. It would be nice to rinse your hair with vinegar water: a glass of water - three tablespoons of natural apple or wine vinegar.

Masks for damaged hair

Curls get damaged daily. We twist them with a towel, blow dry, spoil with curling irons, paint and perm. That is why masks for nourishing hair are actively used in caring for damaged hair.

Rye almond

• rye bread - 70-100 grams;

• almond oil - 1 tsp;

• chicken yolks - 2 pcs.;

• avocado oil - 1 tsp;

• nettle infusion? Art.

Pour a tablespoon of dried nettle with a cup of boiling water, cover with a saucer. Twenty minutes later, pour the infusion into a plate with rye bread. When the mass swells, add the remaining components, stir and apply on the hair all night. Be sure to insulate your hair with a film. After washing off the mask, rinse your hair with water, squeezing a little juice of fresh lemon into it.

Honey and cognac with henna

To prepare this mask, you need colorless henna. It perfectly treats hair, and in combination with honey, the nutritional effect intensifies. What do you need:

• colorless henna - an ordinary bag:

• liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l .;

• vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• brandy or cognac - 1 tbsp. l .;

• one chicken yolk.

Combine henna with butter and yolk, add honey and cognac. If it turned out too thick, you can dilute it with warm water. The mixture is kept under the film and a scarf for at least an hour, then rinse. This mask for nourishing hair at the same time strengthens them, prevents the ends from being cut, and accelerates hair growth.

Acetic Gelatin

This mask has the effect of laminating hair. You will need:

• gelatin powder - 1 tbsp. l .;

• water;

• any cosmetic or edible oil (burdock, castor, almond, peach, olive) - 2 tbsp. l .;

• table vinegar -? tsp;

• natural honey - 1 tsp.

Dissolve gelatin with water according to the instructions, then add all other ingredients. Apply to wet hair and comb through the comb with wide teeth. Keep forty minutes.

With henna and avocado

This mask will work perfectly on damaged hair from permanent dyeing. What is needed:

• colorless henna - an ordinary bag;

• ripe avocado fruit;

• infusion of chamomile (for blondes) or nettles (for brunettes) -? Art.

Brew dried or fresh grass, leave for 15 minutes. Strained infusion dilute henna powder. Puree the avocado and add the mass to the henna. Stir and apply on curls. Warm the head, wash off the mask after fifteen minutes.

Masks for nourishing home-made hair are no worse than purchased. They are cheaper and safer, but no less effective.
