Pancake cake with custard - several options for a gentle dessert. The best recipes for pancake cake with custard


Incredibly delicious and easy to prepare pancake cake will appeal to all the sweet tooth. To cook it, you need a minimal set of products, but you don’t need an oven.

Pancake with custard - basic principles of preparation

First, bake pancakes, then prepare custard and collect the cake. Pancakes can be yeast, fresh or regular. Vanilla or another confectionery flavor is added to the dough for pancakes.

The pancakes are baked thin so that they are properly saturated with cream. The size of the cake depends on the diameter of the pan on which the pancakes are baked. Ready pancakes are stacked and cut along the edges so that the cake turns out to be of the correct shape. This can be done in a special form, or cut out a template from cardboard and cut it off. The height of the cake depends on the number of pancakes. For an average cake you need about 20 pieces.

Custard is used by anyone: classic, without oil, with condensed milk, etc.

The cake is collected by stacking pancakes in a stack, and layering each cream. The sides and top of the cake are also coated with cream. Cake is decorated with nuts, fruits, coconut or chocolate chips.

Recipe 1. Pancake with lean pancake custard


half a stack. walnuts;

one and a half stack. milk;

30 ml of lemon juice;

Art. wheat flour;

a pinch of table salt;


vanilla sugar;

60 g of sugar;


1/3 Art. vegetable oil.


50 g of wheat flour;

2 tbsp. milk;

five egg yolks.

Cooking method

1. Pour milk into a pan, dissolve salt, vanilla and white sugar in it. Beat the egg and shake well. Pour the flour after sifting it, and knead the dough. Add soda and lemon juice. Pour in vegetable oil, mix and fry the pancakes.

2. For cream, put milk on the fire. Boil it and cool slightly. Pound the yolks with sugar, add flour and add some warm milk. Knead a thick gruel without lumps. Dilute the egg mixture with the remaining milk and send it to the fire. Cook with continuous stirring until thickened. Remove the cream from the stove. Cool until warm and add oil and vanilla. Rub until smooth.

3. Put the pancakes in a stack, each missed with cream. Lubricate the sides and top of the cake and sprinkle nut crumbs on all sides.

Recipe 2. Pancake with custard and poppy seeds



refined vegetable oil - 80 ml;

300 ml of flour;

75 g of granulated sugar;

two eggs;

700 ml of milk;

table salt.


30 g butter;

three yolks;

400 ml of milk;

60 g of flour;

100 g of sugar;


50 g of poppy seeds dry.

Cooking method

1. Beat the eggs with a mixer with sugar and salt until splendid.

2. Pour warm milk alternately into the dough and sift the flour until we add all the ingredients. In this case, constantly beat with a mixer. Pour the vegetable oil and stir.

3. Heat the pan over high heat. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and pour the dough with a ladle, distributing it with a thin layer. We bake a pancake. As soon as it is browned, turn it over with a spatula and fry it on the other side. Stack pancakes on a plate.

4. Milk for cream is divided in half. One part is heated in a pan with a thick bottom.

5. Grind the yolks in a separate bowl with sugar. Add flour and vanillin to the egg mixture and stir again. Add soft butter and mix. Pour the second half of the milk with a thin stream to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Pour the cream into the boiling milk with continuous stirring. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the cream becomes thick. Remove from heat and pour poppy seeds into cream. Mix and cool.

6. Put a pancake on a plate, coat it with a thin layer of cream and cover with the next pancake. So collect the whole cake. Sprinkle with poppy seeds on top and leave to soak for several hours.

Recipe 3. Pancake with custard from custard pancakes


half of Art. lean oil;

Art. wheat flour;

baking powder bag;

? Art. boiling water;

two pinch of vanillin;

milk - incomplete;

? Art. granulated sugar;




one ? Art. cream 10%;

two bars of white chocolate;

60 g of granulated sugar;

four egg yolks.

Cooking method

1. Combine the egg with baking powder, salt, sugar and vanilla. Shake everything with a whisk in the foam. Pour in the milk, mix and add flour, continuously stirring with a whisk, until a dough of medium density is obtained. Now pour boiling water and vegetable oil. Beat well again. Let the dough stand for five minutes and fry the rosy pancakes.

2. Grind the chocolate bars into fine chips. Put half in another plate and put in the refrigerator. Beat the egg yolks in a separate bowl with sugar. Pour the cream into a saucepan and boil. Pour some hot cream into the yolks with vigorous stirring. Dilute the yolks into a saucepan with cream, stirring constantly, and cook until thickened on the slowest fire. At the end, add grated chocolate and stir.

3. Stack pancakes in a stack on a plate, each smeared with a thin layer of custard. Cream the sides and top of the cake and sprinkle with chocolate chips from the refrigerator. Soak for several hours.

Recipe 4. Pancake with custard, cinnamon and apples


yeast pancakes - 15 pcs.;

cinnamon - 5 g;

apples - half a kilogram;

granulated sugar - 60 g;

butter - 30 g.


flour - 50 g;

milk - half a liter;

granulated sugar - 150 g;

four yolks;

vanilla is the pod.

Cooking method

1. Cut the vanilla pod and take out the seeds.

2. Rub the yolks with sugar until white. Add the vanilla seeds. Pour in flour and stir so that there are no lumps.

3. Boil the milk. Enter it into the yolks, while stirring vigorously.

4. Put the egg-milk mixture on low heat and cook with constant stirring until the cream becomes thick. Chill.

5. The washed apples peel and cut the core. Grind the fruit pulp into cubes.

6. Melt the butter in a skillet. Put apples in it and add sugar. Stir, cover and simmer over moderate heat until soft. Add cinnamon, stir and cool.

7. Put a pancake on a plate, grease it with custard. Cover next. Repeat the procedure until the cream and pancakes are over. Top with caramelized apples. Refrigerate for three hours.

Recipe 5. Pancake cake with rich yeast pancakes custard


100 ml of vegetable oil;

three eggs;

one ? Art. flour;

60 g of sugar;

two tbsp. milk;



half a glass of drinking water;

20 g of yeast;

5 g of sugar;

flour - half a tbsp.


3 g of citric acid;

an incomplete glass of sugar;

a bag of vanillin;

half a glass of drinking water;

four egg whites.

Cooking method

1. Divide the eggs into yolks and squirrels. Put the latter in the refrigerator.

2. Dissolve the yeast in warm water with sugar, add flour and knead the dough. Put her in the heat. When bubbles appear on the surface, add the yolks, salt and vegetable oil. Stir, gradually adding flour and pouring warm milk. Leave the dough to roam warm for an hour. Beat the whites in a dense foam and introduce them into the dough in several stages. Immediately start baking pancakes.

3. Heat the water. Dissolve sugar in it and boil. Boil over low heat for three minutes. Cool the syrup until warm. Beat the whites in a stable foam. Add vanilla sugar and, without stopping whipping, add a little sugar syrup. At the end, add citric acid.

4. Collect the cake, stacking the pancakes in a stack and layering them with custard. Garnish the cake with canned or fresh fruit.

Recipe 6. Pancake cake with custard, cherries and cottage cheese


thin pancakes - 21 pcs.;

pitted cherries - 300 g;

curd mass - half a kilogram.


wheat flour - 50 g;

milk -? liter;

4 eggs;

granulated sugar - 100 g;

Mascarpone - 200 g.

Cooking method

1. Cook thin pancakes. Cool them.

2. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds with a pin and put them on a sieve to stack the juice. On each pancake, apply a thin layer of curd. On the edge, lay the cherry berries in a row and tightly wrap in a roll.

3. Boil milk for cream. In a separate deep bowl, beat the eggs with flour and sugar. Pour some hot milk into the mixture and mix. Enter the milk-yolk mixture into hot milk and put on the slowest fire. Cook until you get a thick cream. Then cool it. Add the mascarpone and beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

4. Lay out the pancake tubes in the form of a pyramid, reducing one pancake in the next row. Coat each layer with custard. Top the cake with the remaining cream and garnish with cherry berries.

Recipe 7. Pancake with custard and strawberries



eggs - three pcs.;


flour - 300 g;

vegetable oil - 50 ml;

500 ml of milk;

sugar - 60 g.


half a pack of butter;

two eggs;

wheat flour - 75 g;

0.5 liters of milk;

vanilla - pod;

sugar - 100 g.


icing sugar - 100 g;

strawberries - half a kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Shake the eggs with sugar and salt.

2. Add milk and sifted flour in small portions to the egg mixture, stirring with a whisk until smooth. Pour in vegetable oil and mix. Bake pancakes in a pan.

3. Cut the vanilla pod and remove the seeds. Boil milk with vanilla seeds, remove from heat and let it sit for an hour.

4. Combine the eggs with flour and sugar. Rub well. Heat the milk and introduce the egg mixture into it, constantly stirring with a whisk. Cook until thick, without stopping stirring. Remove from heat, add oil and stir.

5. Rinse the strawberries, sort through, set aside a couple of pieces for decoration. Put the rest of the berries in a blender bowl, add the powder and beat until smooth.

6. Fold the pancakes in a pile, greasing each cream. Pour strawberry puree on top of the cake and garnish with berries.

Quiche pancake cake - tips and tricks

Bake pancakes thin, so the cake is soaked much better.

To make the cake even, fold the pancakes in a pile and cut along the edges.

The custard should be thick enough so that it does not leak.

If you add cocoa to the dough, you get chocolate pancakes.

On top of the cake can be coated with icing.


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