Glucose: harm and contraindications. Useful properties of glucose and possible harm to the physical and mental health of a person


Glucose (in other words, grape sugar) is a monosaccharide carbohydrate, which is abundant in bee honey, plant fruits, living organisms.

This energy storehouse helps us overcome difficult psychological and physical tests.

Glucose: about the harm it does to the body. What is dangerous in excess

Glucose has been around for a long time. However, there is nothing strange here, because it is a wonderful natural sugar substitute, and today everything natural is very much appreciated. Most glucose in grape juice (hence the name grape sugar). It is not only found in food, but also produced by the body on its own.

Yes, undoubtedly this monosaccharide is very useful, but in excessive amounts it can cause great harm to the human body, become a catalyst for serious diseases. Elevated blood glucose is called hyperglycemia.

This disorder is characterized by the following symptoms:

• hyperhidrosis (the so-called increased sweating);

• tachycardia (heart palpitations);

• chronic fatigue syndrome;

• the appearance of diabetic symptoms (2 types of diabetes);

• at first glance, causeless weight loss;

• numbness in the fingers of the limbs

• strong "malicious" diarrhea;

• various fungal infections;

• development of shortness of breath;

• the appearance of pain in the chest;

• problems with the immune system, long healing wounds.

Hyperglycemia also causes renal failure, worsens work in the peripheral nervous system. In especially severe cases, you can generally fall into a coma.

To protect yourself from hyperglycemia, you need to eat less sugary and fatty foods, because they contain a large amount of glucose and other carbohydrates.

What is the danger of glucose deficiency

Hypoglycemia - this is what glucose deficiency is called. The harm to the body from this disorder is very great. The brain is most affected, for which glucose is the main source of energy. Problems with memory begin, it becomes difficult to focus, study, solve elementary problems. In general, the negative impact of the disorder extends to all cognitive functions.

There can be several causes of hypoglycemia: or the carbohydrate enters the bloodstream in insufficient quantities, or it moves too quickly from it into the cells. In the first case, the culprits of the disorder may be irregular meals, fasting, specific diets. Too fast, the "departure" of glucose from the blood is, oddly enough, often found in diabetics. Should they forget to "eat" insulin with something and write is gone - the glucose level will catastrophically drop. The fact is that if the hormone is administered artificially, then it too quickly enters from the blood into the cells. Therefore, in a diabetic, hypoglycemia occurs. True, not for long.

Pancreatic tumor (insulinoma) - Another reason for the lack of glucose. Such a neoplasm produces insulin uncontrollably, as a result of which the level of grape sugar in the blood drops below normal.

The main symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

• chills;

• severe causeless irritability;

• tachycardia;

• cold sweat (especially at night);

• migraine;

• blanching of the skin;

• confusion;

• severe dizziness, fainting.

Also in humans, coordination of movements is impaired.

To "raise" the level of sugar in the blood you just need to eat something rich in glucose. Chocolate or cake is perfect.

Glucose: contraindications. To whom and why it is better not to use it

Glucose is especially dangerous for diabetics, whose body does not produce enough insulin. Once they eat something sweet (candy, even an ordinary banana), the carbohydrate concentration rises to critical levels. Therefore, they have to follow a strict diet with a low glucose content. Only in this way can diabetics protect their heart, blood vessels and nerve cells from serious diseases.

In addition to patients with diabetes, there are many other different groups of people who are better off not consuming too much glucose. Contraindications, for example, apply to the elderly and the elderly, since they have this substance that greatly violates the metabolism.

It should not be abused also by people prone to obesity. They should not do this because the excess monosaccharide turns into triglyceride - a dangerous substance similar in its properties to cholesterol. Because of it, the cardiovascular system suffers, ischemic disease occurs, and blood pressure rises.

However, glucose should not be abused by anyone, otherwise:

• insulin will be excessively produced, which means that the risk of developing diabetes will sharply increase;

• blood cholesterol, the substance that causes the occurrence of atherosclerosis, will increase;

• thrombophlebitis may begin to develop.

In addition, due to the abuse of this carbohydrate, allergies to various foods and drugs appear.

Glucose: on the beneficial properties of monosaccharide

This monosaccharide is very important for all of us, since a person receives the bulk of his energy with food rich in it. In addition, glucose is the "strategic" energy reserve of the body, which is located in the liver and muscles. It plays a huge role in the process of thermoregulation and the work of the respiratory apparatus. Thanks to her, our muscles can contract, and the heart can beat. And this monosaccharide is very important for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, since it is the main source of energy for nerve cells.

Due to its low calorie content, glucose is very well absorbed and oxidizes rapidly.

About glucose and the beneficial properties that it possesses, you can talk endlessly. For example, thanks to her:

• mood improves, stress becomes easier to bear;

• muscle tissue is regenerated. That is why, shortly after exercise, it is advisable to have a bite to replenish the supply of healthy carbohydrates.

• overall performance increases, since it is the excess of grape sugar in the muscles that helps us to work physically for a long time;

• transmission of nerve impulses is accelerated, mental abilities improve: it becomes easier to remember information, focus, solve various problems. Glucose even helps the mentally retarded, as well as patients with dementia (senile dementia) to partially restore the lost cognitive functions of their brain.

And also glucose is a component of a variety of medicines that save during poisoning and liver diseases. Often carbohydrate is also used in blood substitutes.

Which foods are high in glucose?

Carbohydrate is especially abundant in:

• grapes;

• various juices;

• watermelon;

• carrots;

• pumpkin;

• honey;

• milk (especially in milk, yogurt, kefir).

It is also rich in honey, corn and legumes.

Literally you can’t live a day without glucose, but still you need to be careful with foods in which there is a lot of it - otherwise it will be trouble. Eat such food wisely and then the disease will bypass you.


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