1 hour prolonged sleep will help hypertensive patients lower their blood pressure


An increase in sleep by one hour compared with the usual norm helps a person overcome high blood pressure in just six weeks, according to a study by scientists from Harvard Medical School in Boston.

For a month and a half, they carefully watched the health of men and women who slept regularly for 7 or less hours, which is why they had all the signs of hypertension, by the way, which is one of the main and often uncontrollable causes of most strokes and heart attacks.

The number of volunteers who participated in the study was 22 middle-aged people who either already had a dangerous form of the disease, or were only approaching it.

So, according to the rules of the experiment, 13 participants had to go to bed for 8 weeks to fall an hour earlier than usual. The rest of the volunteers needed to observe their previous regime during the same time without changing the length of sleep.

For the duration of the study, all participants were given special devices that measured and recorded their blood pressure level.
At the end of the appointed period, the experts collected data from the instruments of each of the participants, and, having analyzed them, found that 13 people who had prolonged sleep for one hour, in 8 weeks reduced the average value of their blood pressure by 8-14 mm RT. Art. The rest of the volunteers, as expected, their health condition only worsened, or did not change.

In connection with such significant results of the study, experts in their report noted that soon additional sleep can be prescribed as a remedy for high blood pressure.

At the conference, scientists also talked about the fact that with the right approach to shaping sleep time, future studies will help determine the principles of which, it is quite possible that medicine will have a new and very effective way to combat hypertension.


Watch the video: Calm Down: Help to lower blood pressure before sleep: Deep Relaxation Music (June 2024).