Pilaf with prunes is an oriental treat. Options for pilaf with prunes and dried apricots, pilaf with prunes, dried apricots and raisins


Pilaf is a dish with its own cooking tradition. An analogue of this dish is in the kitchens of all nations. In addition to traditional recipes, pilaf is cooked with seafood, fish, fruits and vegetables. Pilaf with prunes is suitable for a children's menu or fasting, if cooked without meat.

Pilaf with prunes - the basic principles of cooking

The principle of cooking pilaf with prunes practically does not differ from the traditional one. But due to dried fruits, the taste of the dish is more saturated.

Rice for pilaf, you can use any. If you are afraid that the pilaf will not turn out friable, cook it from steamed long-grain rice. Croup is washed, constantly changing water.

Prunes and other dried fruits are pre-soaked in warm water for about half an hour. Then the water is drained, and the dried fruit is washed and dried.

In addition to rice and dried fruits, you will need carrots, onions and meat. Vegetables are peeled and cut into thin bars. The meat is washed, cut into portions and placed in a cast-iron duck bowl or cauldron. Lightly fried. Add vegetables. Once they are soft, add dried fruit into strips and fry until the carrots are rosy.

At this stage, washed rice is placed in the cauldron. Pour boiled water, cover and cook over low heat until the cereal has absorbed all the liquid.

Of course, the dish is salted and seasoned with spices. Ready pilaf is mixed and served, slightly cooled.

Pilaf can also be cooked in a slow cooker.

Recipe 1. Pilaf with prunes and chickpeas


a glass of round grain rice;

spices for pilaf;

a glass of chickpea;


three quarters of a glass of prunes;

a quarter cup of olive oil;

two carrots;

six cloves of garlic;


Cooking method

1. Rinse the rice by changing the water several times. Then pour the cereal with hot water and leave for half an hour.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and grate coarsely. Chop the peeled onion in small cubes.

3. Wash the prunes and cut them into medium slices.

4. Pour olive oil into a cast-iron cauldron and heat it well. Add spices to the oil and fry for a minute. Put the chopped vegetables and fry, for about three minutes over moderate heat, stirring constantly.

5. Rinse and cook the chickpeas until half cooked.

6. Once the vegetables are soft, add prunes and chickpeas. Continue frying for another three minutes.

7. Drain the rice from the rice and transfer it to the cauldron. Spread it evenly.

8. Salt a glass of water, and carefully pour into a cauldron. The liquid level should be half a centimeter above the rice. As the contents boil, twist the fire. In the middle, lay the peeled garlic cloves. Cover and cook for another 35 minutes over low heat.

9. After the allotted time, open the lid and collect the rice with a slide in the center. Cover again and cook over low heat for another seven minutes. Remove from the stove and mix.

Recipe 2. Pilaf with prunes, dried apricots and raisins


two glasses of rice;

50 g of sugar;

half a glass of dried apricots;

3 g cinnamon;

half a glass of raisins;

three buds of cloves;

half a glass of prunes;

butter - half packs.

Cooking method

1. Rice groats are washed under the tap until the water becomes clear. Then fill the rice with warm salted water and leave for two hours. After the allotted time, we drain the water, and the rice is thoroughly washed.

2. We put a pan with three liters of water on fire, salt it and bring to a boil. We shift the rice into boiling water and cook for eight minutes, often stirring. Throw the finished rice into a colander and rinse.

3. We wash raisins, dried apricots and prunes in hot water. Dissolve butter in a pan. Add dried fruits to it, add sugar, add cloves and lightly fry over medium heat for three minutes.

4. Place the rice in a cauldron, add the fried dried fruits and heat it for a minimum of ten minutes. Pilaf with prunes, dried apricots and raisins mix, arrange on plates and serve, sprinkled with cinnamon and sprinkled with ghee.

Recipe 3. Pilaf with prunes and chicken


400 g carrots;

half the head of garlic;

400 g of onion;

nine pieces prunes

half a kilogram of chicken;


300 g Basmati rice;

seasonings for pilaf;

? cups of purified water.

Cooking method

1. Chopped peeled onions in small cubes. Peel, wash and chop the carrots with a thin straw. Put the chopped vegetables in a cauldron with heated oil and lightly fry.

2. Chicken breast clean from skin and bones. Wash under the tap and cut into medium slices. Add chicken to vegetables, salt, season with pilaf spices and mix.

3. Pour some boiled water and simmer over moderate heat until the meat is ready. The liquid should evaporate almost all.

4. Rinse thoroughly. Fill with cold water and leave for half an hour. Then drain the water and transfer the rice to the cauldron.

5. Pour the contents of the cauldron with hot salted water so that the liquid level is half a centimeter above the rice.

6. Put in the center of the rice unpeeled half-heads of garlic. Spread washed seedless prunes along the edges. Cover and cook pilaf over medium heat for ten minutes. Then remove from heat and leave the pilaf, without opening the lid, for another half hour.

7. Remove the garlic from the pilaf, mix and arrange in plates. Serve with pickled or fresh vegetables.

Recipe 4. Fruit pilaf with prunes, dried apricots, raisins and figs in a slow cooker


purified water - four measuring glasses;

salt - 5 g;

two carrots;

turmeric - 3 g;

fig - a handful;

vegetable oil - 50 ml;

dried apricots - a handful;

prunes - a handful;

raisins - a handful.

Cooking method

1. Rinse and soak dried fruits in warm water for half an hour. Then drain the infusion, and lay out the dried fruits on a paper towel and dry. Cut prunes and dried apricots in half, and chop the figs into small pieces.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and chop the vegetable in thin short strips.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the device and put the prepared ingredients in this order: carrots, raisins, halves of prunes and dried apricots, figs. Season with turmeric on top.

4. Rinse the rice groats by changing the water seven times. Put the washed grains on top of the dried fruits and smooth, distributing it evenly around the entire perimeter.

5. Dissolve the salt in boiled water and carefully pour it into the bowl with dried fruits and rice. Close the appliance cover tightly. Run the program "Pilaf" and cook until the sound signal.

6. Stir the prepared pilaf with a wooden spatula and serve with pickled or fresh vegetables.

Recipe 5. Pilaf with prunes and apples


rice groats - a glass;

butter - 20 g;

half a liter of drinking water;

sugar - 100 g;

ten pieces prunes

two apples;

half a glass of raisins.

Cooking method

1. In a cast-iron cauldron, pour a couple of glasses of purified water and put on fire.

2. We wash raisins in hot water and put it in a cauldron with boiling water. Here we add a piece of butter and sugar.

3. In a separate container, rinse the rice until the water becomes clear. We transfer it to the cauldron, mix and cook until boiling over high heat. Then reduce the heat to medium.

4. My prunes, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into cubes. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them in half, remove the core. Cut the fruit into small pieces.

5. When the rice has absorbed enough water, we send prunes and apples to the cauldron. Continue to cook until cooked, on the lowest heat, stirring occasionally. When the rice completely absorbs water, remove the pilaf from the fire and, without opening the lid, leave the dish to insist in the heat for another half hour.

Recipe 6. Pilaf with prunes and quinces


rice - three glasses;

two apples;

ten fruits of prunes;


eight fruits of quince;

dried apricots - half a glass;

raisins - a glass;

a glass of melted butter.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the rice cereal, constantly replacing the water until it becomes clear. Place the rice in a bowl and pour it in for forty minutes with water.

2. Put a cauldron with water on a fire. As soon as the water begins to boil, salt and transfer the swollen rice into it. Cook, stirring, until the grains of rice become soft on the outside, while inside they retain light elasticity. Flip rice into a sieve and rinse with hot water. Leave the glass to all liquid.

3. Wash the cauldron and put it on the fire again. Melt the butter in it. Wash quinces, core and damaged areas, peel. Cut the fruit pulp into small cubes.

4. Soak prunes and dried apricots in hot water for half an hour. Drain the broth, and grind the dried fruit in strips. Put prunes, raisins, quinces and dried apricots in ghee. Sprinkle with sugar, mix and simmer over low heat for ten minutes.

5. Put rice in a cauldron, fill it with a glass of water, cover and cook for 20 minutes at low heat. Remove the cauldron from the heat and leave the pilaf to insist under the lid for half an hour. Shuffle.

Pilaf with prunes, dried apricots and raisins - tips and tricks

The amount of water may vary depending on the rice variety, so follow the recommendations on the packaging.

If the dried fruits are soft enough, you can not soak them.

It is advisable not to rub the carrot, but cut into thin strips.

Add salt and spices in the middle of cooking.

Pilaf in the cooking process is not stirred. This is done before serving.

Wrap the cauldron with pilaf in an old jacket and leave for an hour - this will make pilaf even tastier.


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