Braised zucchini - the best recipes. How to cook stewed zucchini properly and tasty.


One of the main advantages of stewed vegetables is the speed of cooking, which, of course, allows to minimize the destruction of nutrients. In addition, stewed vegetables are a great opportunity for culinary creativity. For their preparation, you can use any ingredients that come to your hand: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, carrots, onions and, of course, the “nail” of our article is a useful zucchini.

Braised zucchini - general principles and methods of preparation

Zucchini is a dietary food product. They are useful, satisfying due to the presence of fiber and low-calorie (only 24 kcal per hundred gr.). Some mistakenly believe that zucchini is a rather simple and fresh vegetable, not particularly stand out, therefore they do not include it in the diet, but in vain! After all, it contains a huge amount of irreplaceable microelements and easily digestible fiber, which helps our digestion to work in the right way. Moreover, zucchini can absorb the aroma and taste of the ingredients surrounding it. This quality helps him to "dissolve", but at the same time give the dish a full and rich taste.

Classical stewing of products is carried out with the addition of water or broth (meat, vegetables), however, due to the fact that the zucchini itself, during the heat treatment, releases a sufficient amount of juice, it is not necessary to “dilute” it with liquid. Most often, zucchini stew separately from the rest of the ingredients, because they are cooked very quickly, unlike the same potatoes, beets or carrots. And a few minutes before cooking, all the components of the dish are mixed and simmer over low heat so that each ingredient is soaked properly.

Braised zucchini - preparing foods

Before stewing zucchini and other vegetables, thoroughly rinse them, peel, seeds and other unnecessary elements, cut into approximately equal pieces, so that the dish as a result is not only useful, but also attractive, and we act according to the recipe. We also note that any vegetables should be peeled before cooking, and it is better to boil or fry the meat (if you add it) in advance.

Braised zucchini - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Braised Yogurt Zucchini

You were not mistaken, and your eyes do not deceive you. We will stew zucchini with yogurt - natural and without any additives. Please note that we select only zucchini for this dish (dairy) with a thin skin and without seeds.


- 500 gr. zucchini
- 200-250 gr. natural yogurt
- mustard seeds - two teaspoons
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

We wash the zucchini, peeling the peel is not necessary (if the vegetable is young, unripe), although this is a purely individual matter. We cut it into thin slices (or cubes) and send it to the pan. Stew vegetables, slightly salted, for ten to fifteen minutes. Next, mix yogurt with seeds and pour zucchini. Stew for a couple of minutes and on the table. The dish, thanks to yogurt and mustard seeds, will have a very original taste. Especially the recipe is useful to those people who follow a strict diet.

Recipe 2: Stewed Zucchini with Tomatoes and Cheese

Zucchini in this dish literally absorbs the aroma of cheese and smoked chicken and turns out simply magnificent thanks to the successful combination of all components. Feel free to experiment with other vegetables, for example, adding potatoes, cauliflower, etc.


- 800 gr. zucchini
- two large tomatoes
- smoked breast
- one pack of cream cheese
- onion
- greens, spices, salt

Cooking method:

We wash the zucchini, cut into cubes, put them stewed in our own juice, slightly salted. Meanwhile, fry the onion in a pan, free the tomatoes from the skin, scald with boiling water, cut and add to the fried onion. Also put the chopped chicken. All we pass until the tomato is ready. Cut the cheese into small cubes. We dip the vegetables in half-prepared zucchini, dip the cheese and mix everything well. Simmer for another 5-7 minutes and turn off the stove. Serve the dish, sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 3: Stewed Zucchini in Sour Cream

Ripe zucchini in combination with vegetables in sour cream sauce is both a light and hearty dish that in no way will harm your figure. A great side dish for any meat. We advise you to adopt.


- zucchini 1.5 kg
- four bell peppers
- two large tomatoes
- three cloves of garlic
- 250 gr. sour cream (up to 15% fat content)
- greenery
- to taste spices, pepper, salt
- vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

Peppers are cleaned from seeds, cut into cubes and spread on a preheated pan. Fry them in any vegetable oil for about 3, 5 minutes. We wash the zucchini, clean it, if they are old, cut into cubes and add them to the peppers. Fry vegetables together over high heat for ten minutes. At this time, we remove the skin from the tomatoes, we also cut them and send them to the vegetables in a pan. Mix and continue to fry for another 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle with pepper, spices, herbs, salt, pour sour cream, close the lid, reduce heat and simmer the zucchini with vegetables and sour cream until tender (about 10-12 minutes). Ready stewed vegetables do not rush to remove from the stove after turning off, so they are soaked in sauce and will become even tastier.

Recipe 4: Braised Egg Zucchini

Another option for cooking healthy zucchini with vegetables. Only this time, add one egg and a little milk to the dish to give a piquant taste. Zucchini prepared in this way are very beautiful and mouth-watering.


- 500 gr. young zucchini
- one carrot
- one medium onion
- one tomato
- one egg
- three tablespoons of milk
- to taste: herbs, garlic, spices
- vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Peel and chop onions and carrots (onions - finely, and carrots - in thin slices). Fry vegetables with a small amount of oil. Finely chop the tomato (it is better to remove the skin from it beforehand), beat the egg with a pinch of salt with a mixer, then add milk to it and whisk again a little. Zucchini, diced, sent to the refried carrots, there we send the tomato and beaten egg with milk. Close the lid, simmer vegetables for 7-10 minutes, then open the lid, throw spices, garlic, etc., simmer until the liquid evaporates. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

Braised zucchini - tips from experienced chefs

- For stewing it is more advisable to use young milk squash, they do not need to be peeled, in which the highest concentration of nutrients is concentrated. In addition, such vegetables will not “sap” during the stew;

- If you use old zucchini, then it is best to cut them into large cubes (about 2 cm);

- Braised zucchini in your own juice can be “diluted” a little with good red wine or beer. An interesting combination, which can be cautious. But the reviews about such an unusual approach are very worthy;

- For density, flour can be added to stewed zucchini. This is done as follows: add flour to one fourth cup of cold water (the amount depends on how thick you want to achieve), stir until a homogeneous mass is formed and, stirring, pour the liquid into the stewed vegetables a few minutes until cooked. By the way, milk can be used instead of cold water.


Watch the video: How to Make Easy Sauteed Zucchini - The Easiest Way (June 2024).