Weight loss for the lazy: what would you drink to lose weight? Only 1 cup in the morning - and harmony is guaranteed: recipes


Do you dream of losing weight for the New Year, Birthday or wedding? The dream of a slim body will remain a dream if nothing is done. But what if the diets do not work, but driving yourself into a fitness center does not work?

You can try losing weight for the lazy: just drink a specific drink on an empty stomach. Will it help to lose weight with just 1 cup in the morning? Not. Still need to change the diet.

Losing Weight for the Lazy: Nutrition Rules

Before preparing drinks for weight loss, you need to accept a simple and unpleasant truth. You can’t lose weight by drinking only 1 cup in the morning of the most fat-burning drink in the world, and then, lying on the couch, there is everything in an unlimited amount. To achieve the result, you still have to do nutrition and at least a little, but move.

With food, everything is quite simple. The rules are as follows:

• be sure to have breakfast. If you do not have time to do it at home, then a stylish neat lunch box is a great solution;

• eat in small portions, but at least five times a day. The distended stomach will gradually return to normal, it will not suffer severe hunger, which means that evening and night glitches will stop;

• Do not eat food in very small portions. In order for the stomach to send a signal "I'm full" to the brain, it is necessary that its walls are slightly stretched. Ideal - 200 grams of food at a time;

• The body must receive all the nutrients. Therefore, proteins (70-80 grams of pure protein), carbohydrates (40 grams), and fats (30-40 grams) should be in the diet of a losing weight person;

• Be sure to have dinner, but there is nothing to eat 3 hours before bedtime.

You can not refuse fat: for the female hormonal system, this is detrimental. You can not refuse carbohydrates, especially fiber (found in plant foods). With a decrease in the protein norm, the body will begin to turn muscle into energy. That is, the diet should be completely balanced.

What else can be done? Go to bed no later than 11 in the evening, so that somatotropic hormone can develop (it affects weight loss). This is just a find when losing weight for the lazy: you sleep and lose weight! Drink vitamins in courses (preferably as directed by a doctor, as it is unclear which vitamins the body lacks and which are normal).

Losing Weight for the Lazy: Drinking Regime

Compliance with the drinking regimen should be taken seriously. Scientists have found that people often confuse hunger and thirst. So before you pounce on a sandwich, try a 150 gram glass of water. Very often, after such a reception, I don’t feel like eating anymore.

In addition, water is literally life. Drinking a lot of water during the day, we unload the kidneys, remove toxins from the intestines, and even fight viruses, removing their waste products from the body. A lot of water - how much? Start with one and a half liters. If the weight goes away well, and then stops, add half a liter first, and then bring the daily water rate to 2.5, or even three liters.

Water should be clean, without gas and sugar. And without sweeteners (they are very, very harmful with constant use). The drinks we drink and during the day (tea, coffee, juices, cocktails) and soups are not considered.

Accustoming yourself to drink water is quite difficult for those who have never before drank water for the purpose of losing weight, that is, in large quantities. But if we recall that our task is to lose weight for the lazy, then there is really nothing difficult here, if we really go to lose weight. Only 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach, and then a 200-gram cup before each meal - with five meals a day, there are already six glasses, that is, 1.2 liters.

Losing Weight for the Lazy: Do I Need a Gym?

Sport is not necessary for burning fat, but physical activity is important. An ideal combination of aerobic and power load, that is, first we are actively moving, and then doing squats and push-ups.

Even a lazy person who has seriously set himself the goal of losing weight will not go far in just 1 cup in the morning. The best way to get the body to work out the necessary substances for burning fat is to give a load to the largest muscle. And you can do this very simply: walk for 40-60 minutes

If you still have strength and desire, after a walk do 20-30 squats, push-ups or exercises for the abs (do that part of the body where you want to lose weight the most). In just two weeks, fat will become much less.

Do not like to walk - dance. Do not like dancing - run. In general, load your buttocks and hips.

Only 12 exercises for a perfect body - this is not a joke!

How to lose weight: only 1 cup in the morning

Various "weight loss" products are actively advertised on the Internet: drops, tablets, powders, teas, coffee, berries. Everything is simple: you drop, for example, 20-30 drops into a glass of water and drink in the morning and in the evening. After a month, fat should disappear. Or you brew miraculous Chinese berries (in Russia it is an ordinary dereza), you drink a drink and you lose weight.

Professional nutritionists (not those who praise miracle pills on the websites of manufacturers of suspicious or meaningless drugs, but real doctors) argue: there are no magic and safe options for quick weight loss. You can artificially accelerate the metabolism and die of cancer, you can "turn off" the feeling of hunger and get a serious illness, you can destroy the digestive system and dehydrate the body.

Nevertheless, it is possible to lose weight in the company with a glass in the morning (provided that we begin to control nutrition and give the body at least some kind of load). Secret drinks are ginger and green tea.

Only 1 cup: we meet morning with ginger or hay

Ginger really helps to speed up metabolism, which means it helps the body burn calories. And he does it gently, naturally. The use of ginger for weight loss is not 100 percent proven, but you can try. In any case, ginger tea is useful, and it can also be prepared according to various recipes.

The easiest way (a hint for the lazy) is to make tea in a thermos. What should be done:

• Peel the fresh ginger root and grate. It will take 1.5 tablespoons of ginger pulp;

• Wash the whole lemon and cut it into small slices together with the peel;

• put lemon and ginger in a thermos and pour one and a half liters of boiling water;

• let it brew (from 4 to 6 hours).

You can make a drink in the evening, and drink the first cup in the morning, immediately after waking up. If the taste seems too harsh (ginger burns the tongue) and sour, soften it with honey. You can have breakfast in half an hour.

If there is no thermos, then the peeled ginger root (2-3 cm) should be poured with one and a half liters of clean water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Pour yourself a glass of broth, pour the rest into a glass jar. Put in a ginger tea a slice of fresh lemon, a spoonful of honey, if any, a sprig of mint. Let stand for literally 5 minutes and drink.

The famous Sassi water is a “cold” version of ginger tea. What you need to make a drink:

• lemon;

• a small cucumber;

• a teaspoon of grated ginger;

• a little mint (4-5 leaves);

• two liters of water.

Cut cucumber and lemon into circles, mix with mint and ginger, pour cold water and put in the refrigerator overnight. You can start the day with a glass of refreshing and very healthy water.

Green tea is also a great way to restore metabolic processes and speed up metabolism. It can be any sort of leaves: slice, oolong, etc. Start the morning with a mug of healthy drink, and the process of losing weight will go faster.

To enhance the effect, you can combine ginger and green tea: just brew them together. If there is a thermos, then a tablespoon of green tea leaves can be added to the components of the first recipe. If there is no thermos, then you need to cook ginger according to the second recipe and brew green tea not with water, but with a decoction.

Whatever recipe you choose, a glass of drink will be of great benefit to the body. Ginger speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system. Ginger hour reduces appetite, which is also important when losing weight. Green tea is good because it accelerates the processes of fat burning, helps break down dangerous visceral fat and also reduces appetite. Not for nothing in the East, crushed dried leaves were considered a medicine.

A lazy person may well lose weight without a strict diet and regular fitness. The recipe is simple: follow simple nutritional rules, walk for a long time daily, drink plenty of clean water and drink a glass of healthy ginger and green tea.


Watch the video: How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise Or Diet Or Pills ! (June 2024).