How to store ginger at home, how much it can be stored fresh. Learning to store ginger at home: fresh, frozen, dried, pickled


People discovered the unique precious properties of ginger since time immemorial. Like its rich, spicy-spicy taste and astringent aroma.

It is not surprising that this spice is a welcome guest in almost every kitchen. Thrifty hostesses love that everything is always at hand.

When buying ginger root "in reserve", you need to know about the correct storage conditions.

Not only the taste of the product, but also the properties that are healing for the body, depend on this.

Choose ginger for storage

In appearance, ginger looks like a dense root, quite thick, covered with thin skin of a light shade.

If the skin is removed, then inside the spice will be yellow.

Light or dark shade depends on age, the older the root, the more saturated its color.

The taste of ginger is quite burning, pepper, the aroma is pleasant, with a speck.

When choosing a ginger root, be sure to evaluate how it looks externally:

• High-quality ginger is dense but resilient. The dried peel indicates the staleness of the product, it is clearly not the first freshness.

• Wrinkled, dried skin is a sign of improper storage. Such a root has already lost a large amount of moisture, and with it a significant part of the aroma and juiciness.

• The color of the peel should be uniform, without spots. Darkening at the root suggests that it was kept in a moist place, which means that the flesh has darkened, the taste and aroma have almost disappeared.

Keeping Ginger Fresh

The roots of the plant can be kept fresh in the usual vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. True, not a very long time.

• Pack unpeeled tubers in a special food bag, let the air out of it to the maximum and tightly close it with a fastener. Put in the refrigerator.

• Wrap the roots with paper towels, put them in a thick paper bag, let the air out, and put it in the vegetable compartment.

• Without additional wrapping, put the plant in a paper bag and refrigerate. So the shelf life of ginger will be reduced to a week.

Ginger storage in the freeze

In fact, it is believed that the storage of ginger at t below 0C significantly worsens its useful qualities. Nevertheless, many housewives prefer to save at least something than completely throw it away.

I way:

• Peel and grate.

• Put in batch heaps on the tray and freeze.

• Serve portions in sachets or plastic containers.

II method:

• Peel the plant and cut into circles.

• Freeze on the tray.

• Arrange a few circles in packages, tie tightly.

III method:

Pack the whole tuber tightly in cling film and place in the freezer. Or cut into pieces, put in a glass container and also clean for freezing.

Using marinade to store ginger at home

Culinary experts, who greatly appreciate the taste of this spicy plant, prefer to store ginger at home in a more original way than drying or freezing. They pour the prepared root with marinade and get an amazingly aromatic seasoning with a very interesting taste. This storage method is also good because almost all the useful and palatable qualities are preserved.

As the marinade is used:

• Strong alcohol (vodka, sake).

• Wine (white, dry sherry, rice).

• Rice vinegar or lemon juice.

Peel ginger, cut into slices, put in a glass container and pour liquid. Cork tightly and leave for two weeks to soak.

Least of all on the taste and aroma of spices affects vodka fill.

Dry ginger for storage

Ginger root, dried at home, is much more flavorful than store powder, especially if it was grown in your own garden.

  • The spice needs to be washed and dried, you can use a towel.

  • Scrape off the peel with a knife (as with young potatoes).

  • Cut into very thin slices. Literally transparent (this is important, otherwise ginger will not dry out and become moldy during storage).

  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment, spread out the root and send to the oven.

  • Dry ~ 1 hour at t - 50-55С, then turn over and dry the same amount.

When trying to crack, the finished ginger does not bend, but breaks like chips. Fold the dried plates in a glass container, tightly close and put in a dry place at room temperature.

An unusual way to store ginger

For gourmets and lovers of tea with an exquisite aroma, there is an original way of storing ginger - this is sugar. The recipe came from eastern countries, where since ancient times they used this method of preserving a spicy plant.

• 1 tbsp. dilute sugar in 1 cup of water.

• Pour in thin circles of root syrup.

• Cook ~ 15 min. until the syrup thickens.

• Cool and remove the ginger plates.

• Roll in icing sugar.

• Bake in the oven at 50C.

• Store in glass, tightly closed.

Shelf life of ginger at home

  • Dried ginger is stored for about 2 years, subject to storage conditions.

  • In frozen form, the root is stored for 2 to 6 months. It is advisable not to re-freeze the plant, its taste from this is greatly deteriorated.

  • In the pouring pieces of spice can be stored for about 2 months. And you can use not only ginger, but also marinade - for sauces, cocktails.

  • Ginger can be stored in the vegetable compartment from 2 weeks to a month and a half, depending on the packaging.


Watch the video: 7 Ways to Store GINGER (June 2024).