Jelly from apples for the winter - amber sweet! Recipes of different jelly from apples for the winter: with gelatin and without thickeners


Apple jelly is a wonderful dessert that can be prepared for future use.

Everything is much simpler than it might seem.

The only difficulty you may encounter is to have time to hide jars of fragrant jelly in time.

Otherwise, they definitely won’t reach the winter.

Jelly from apples for the winter - general principles of preparation

Jelly is prepared in two stages. First, apples are subjected to heat treatment to soften, then they are rubbed through a sieve to get rid of skins and veins. It is not recommended to use a blender or a meat grinder, otherwise the jelly will not turn out to be amber, tender. The second stage of preparation consists in combining the puree with the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe, cooking the dessert until done.

What is added in jelly:

• sugar;

• gelatin;

• spices;

• other fruits, berries;

• vegetables.

Gelatin is not always put, apples contain a natural thickener - pectin. If everything is done correctly, the mashed potatoes will surely harden. Most pectin is found under the peel. That is why you should not peel the fruit during the initial cooking. With gelatin, the finished mass becomes more dense, dense.

To determine the consistency of apple jelly, you need to drip a little on a plate. As soon as the mixture ceases to spread, begins to stretch slightly from the spoon, you can stop cooking. In the process of cooling, the mass will be even thicker, it will freeze when cooled.

Jelly from apples for the winter without gelatin

The recipe for natural jelly from apples for the winter, which hardens due to the pectin contained in the fruit. In addition to sugar, nothing else is added to dessert.


• 1.2 kg of apples;

• 0.2 liters of water;

• 0.2 kg of sugar.


1. Cut the apples into slices, drop them into a saucepan, add prescription water.

2. Close, set to simmer until tender.

3. Remove from heat, filter the compote. Cool the fruits.

4. Pour the compote back into the pan, add sugar.

5. Grate the apples through a sieve, transfer the gentle mashed potatoes to the saucepan as well. We put on the stove.

6. Boil the jelly on a small fire from 30 minutes to an hour, look at the consistency and be sure to stir.

7. We put hot jelly in sterile jars. Immediately tighten the lids, put away for storage.

Winter jelly with gelatin

A variant of jelly with gelatin, which will surely harden and turn out thick even without prolonged boiling of the mass. You can take gelatin instant or simple, soak it for as long as indicated on the product packaging.


• 2 kg of apples;

• 400 g of sugar;

• 500 ml of water;

• 2 tablespoons of gelatin.


1. Soak gelatin in a glass of water. You can use apple compote or juice, everything will work out as well, but the liquid should be boiled, sterile.

2. Cut the apples, remove the middle of the seeds. Put the slices in a pan, add the rest of the water (300 ml), place on the stove. Cook for a quarter of an hour, cool to a warm state so as not to burn your hands.

3. Wipe the apple mass through a sieve, discard the skins.

4. Add sugar in mashed potatoes, stir.

5. Put the jelly on the stove, boil after boiling with sugar for about five minutes.

6. Add the swollen gelatin, stir quickly. At this point, sterile jars should be at hand.

7. Stir the jelly until the lumps dissolve, bring to a boil, but as soon as the bubbles go, turn off immediately. Gelatin does not like boiling and, unlike pectin, loses its ability to congeal.

8. Quickly lay out in jars, cork with lids, which should also be sterile.

Spicy jelly from apples for the winter

A variant of a very fragrant apple jelly for the winter with the addition of vanilla, cinnamon and cloves. A gelatin-free recipe. It is advisable to use natural cinnamon and vanilla.


• 1.5 kg of apples;

• 500 ml of water;

• 250 g of sugar;

• 1 clove;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• 1 g of vanillin.


1. Rinse the fruit, cut into 4 parts. Seeds and leaves can not be removed. Put everything in a saucepan.

2. Add water, immediately throw a clove bud and a stick of cinnamon.

3. Put on the stove, cook for 30 minutes.

4. Cool, wipe, cinnamon and cloves, or rather, what remains of them must be discarded.

5. Add the prescription sugar, vanillin in the puree, stir.

6. Put on the stove, after boiling, reduce the heat.

7. Stir occasionally, cook the jelly for half an hour.

8. Pour the boiling treat into a sterile container, seal. Cool the jelly, like any other workpiece, should be upside down.

Jelly from apples for the winter to meat and dessert (with cranberries and quinces)

A recipe for an unusual jelly that is used as a sweet and sour meat sauce. But as a dessert it can also be served, in any case, delicious.


• 0.8 kg of apples;

• 0.4 kg of quince;

• 0.5 kg of cranberries;

• 300 ml of water;

• 500 g of sugar;

• 5 tablespoons of lemon juice.


1. Cut the washed quince with apples into pieces, you do not need to peel the skin. Stubs can also be left, they do not interfere.

2. Fold in a saucepan, add the washed cranberries and water. Similar jelly can also be cooked with lingonberries.

3. Add prescription water.

4. Boil the products over low heat until soft, cool.

5. Mash gently by rubbing boiled fruits and berries through a sieve.

6. Now add the prescription sugar, cook together for 25 minutes.

7. During this time, prepare jars in which you will lay out the jelly and process the lids.

8. Pour in lemon juice, mix thoroughly.

9. Boil the workpiece for exactly five more minutes, then reduce the heat to a minimum, put the sauce or dessert in jars. Clean up before winter.

Winter jelly with lemon and cinnamon

A variation of amber jelly with an invigorating citrus scent. If the lemons are small, then you can lay more than indicated in the recipe. Cinnamon is used in chopsticks.


• 2 kg of apples;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• 1 pinch of saffron;

• 800 g of sugar;

• 3 cinnamon sticks;

• 3 lemons.


1. Crush the apples into cubes, leaving the peel and seeds. Fold in the pan.

2. Lemons must be thoroughly washed, scalded and cut. It is advisable to remove and remove the bones so that the jelly is not bitter.

3. Transfer lemons to apples, add water.

4. Close, put on the stove, cook on low heat for 1.5 hours. You need to get a saturated broth.

5. Prepare a colander, put cheesecloth four times rolled into it. Put on another pan.

6. Pour the boiled mass into a colander, let stand to stack the main broth. Then lift the tips of the gauze, squeeze it well.

7. Add sugar, saffron, cinnamon to the broth. Put on the stove.

8. Cook jelly for a quarter of an hour.

9. Then lay the amber sweet in jars, roll up.

Jelly from apples with pears for the winter (with gelatin)

A variant of mixed jelly, in which, in addition to apples, pears are added. Another recipe in which gelatin plays the role of thickener.


• 1 kg of apples;

• 1 spoon of gelatin;

• 500 g of pears;

• 600 g of sugar;

• 4 glasses of water.


1. Soak gelatin in one glass of water, let the grains swell. It is better to take boiled and chilled water, since the mass does not boil with gelatin.

2. Dice apples with pears, add water, boil together until soft, as was done in previous recipes.

3. Cool the fruit, grind it in mashed potatoes, discard the skins.

4. Add sugar, boil another quarter hour.

5. Now add the gelatin dissolved in the water, stir and warm until it boils.

6. Turn off the stove or turn down the heat to the minimum so that the mass does not boil, but does not cool.

7. Pour the future jelly into jars, wait for cooling, put it in storage.

Winter jelly with pumpkin

A variant of an unusual jelly that will delight in the winter not only with taste, but also with a bright color. To do this, take an orange pumpkin. Similarly, you can cook a treat with carrots, but it will take a little longer to cook.


• 1 kg of apples;

• 700 g pumpkin;

• 1.5 kg of sugar;

• 4 glasses of water;

• 2 tablespoons of gelatin.


1. The recipe indicates the weight of the peeled pumpkin pulp. Cut it into arbitrary pieces, add 3 cups of water, cook until soft.

2. While the pumpkin is cooking, cut the apples into slices. Add to the pan as soon as the vegetable begins to pierce easily. Boil apples until soft. If you add apples immediately, then the process of cooking pumpkin will be delayed.

3. Pour gelatin with the remaining glass of water, let it brew.

4. Wipe the boiled apples with pumpkin through a sieve.

5. Put the resulting mashed potatoes on the stove, add sugar, stir and boil for about ten minutes.

6. Add gelatin, boil until boiling. Stir well and turn off immediately.

7. Pour the apple blank into jars, cork.

Jelly from apples for the winter - useful tips and tricks

• If jelly is made from apples of sweet varieties, then it can turn out to be tasteless. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice or diluted acid at the last cooking, it is advisable to do this at the very end to bring the dessert to the desired taste.

• Apple desserts are often cooked with citrus to create a vibrant flavor and aroma. But it is not necessary to use fresh fruits. You can add crushed zest of lemons or oranges to the jelly, it can even be dry.

• To make jelly cook faster, you need to increase the area of ​​evaporation of moisture. Use low and wide dishes, such as a basin or stewpan.

• Cloves give off a fragrance for a long time, if stored for a long time, the jelly may have an unpleasant odor and bitterness. Therefore, it is advisable to catch and remove the asterisk after cooking. For two liters of fruit mass, it is recommended to add no more than one bud.


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