Hairstyles for medium hair with your own hands - we train! Step-by-step implementation of different hairstyles on medium hair with your own hands


Strands having a shoulder length or slightly more are classified as medium.

They can now be met by almost every second woman.

The popularity of medium hair is explained by the following:

- it’s easier to care for them than for long hair, which wash makes up the whole event;

- they allow you to create on your head many options for hairstyles that significantly change the image of a woman, in contrast to a short haircut.

Doing hairstyles on medium hair with your own hands is not particularly difficult. Consider some of the most popular styling options applied to this length.

Loose curls

Young girls, in whom the length of the strands refers to the average, basically just dismiss them, sometimes curling them in curls. Of course, in order for the loose strands to look elegant, you need to keep them clean and use a rinse aid after washing so that they do not tangle after drying. For a daily hairstyle, strong curls on the strands should not be done, it is better to curl them slightly using a curling iron or ironing. It takes no more than five to seven minutes. See photo:

The styling technology with the iron is as follows:

- the hair, on which the fixing gel has been previously applied, must be divided into equal locks with a thickness convenient for grip with an iron, and fixed with elastic bands;

- Using an iron, grab one free lock in the area of ​​the beginning of curling perpendicular to the lock;

- the tongs of the iron together with the captured strand should be deployed in a vertical direction around the axis;

- then returning them to their original position, repeat the turn again;

- having done such a spiral curl on all the locks, carefully distribute the curls with your hands throughout the head;

- to keep the hairstyle for a long time, you can lightly spray it with varnish on top.

Doing a hairstyle on medium hair with your own hands in the form of curls can also be done using other curling methods, for example, using a curling iron, as well as using ordinary curlers. They allow you to get various curls. It all depends on the density and structure of the hair.

If after curling, create a volume in the parietal region with a small fleece and then fix the upper strands collected on the back of the head or a little higher with a hairpin, you get a completely different kind of hairstyle. It is appropriate both for work and for any celebration. See photo:

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair

Any medium-length strands can be gathered into a bundle, after weaving braids, tows or braiding them with curls, creating magnificent hairstyles. Consider some options for such beams:

1. A bundle in the form of a donut with braids, see photo:

It runs like this:

- from each side closer to the temple, select a small strand and weave a pigtail out of it with the capture of additional strands (French braid);

- fix the ends of the braids temporarily with invisibility;

- the hair of the middle part must be collected using an elastic band in the lower part of the nape in the form of a tail, while capturing the ends of braided braids;

- comb the tail and tuck it in a circle under the elastic band, smoothing the slightly upper combed locks;

- to add volume to the beam on the elastic, you must first fix the substrate in the form of a donut, which is evenly closed with combed strands;

- the beam is fixed with studs and fixed with varnish.

2. A bunch of pigtails.

The sequence of actions is shown in the photo:

Such a bundle is executed as follows:

- the hair is divided into three parts, while in the area of ​​the temples and forehead, you need to leave small locks;

- the middle part of the strands is fixed with an elastic band, and a tight braid is woven from the resulting tail. She folds into a roller;

- braids are also woven from the side locks, which are folded into rollers;

- they are fixed with pins closer to the central beam;

- having corrected the tension of the weaving with his hands to give the beam a beautiful shape, it is fixed with varnish;

- Thin strands left can be curled slightly, and laid in waves on the sides, directing them towards the beam, or left loose.

3. A bundle of one braid with curls

Another version of the beam is made from one French braid, which is woven from the top of the head, photo:

When weaving, you should capture wide strands to give the hair a bold volume. Having reached the neck, hair should be bandaged with an elastic band. Tighten the ends with a curling iron and lay them around the base of the tail with beautiful curls, fixing them with hairpins and varnishing.

3.High bundle of harnesses, photo:

Execution Sequence:

- comb the strands and tie the tail in the parietal region;

- divide it into parts of the same thickness (quantity at discretion);

- twist each part into a bundle, fix the end with a thin rubber band and lay in the form of a bundle;

- fix the beams closer to the center with the help of studs.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair with fleece elements

The average length of the strands is most convenient for performing fleece. Create a pile in two ways: by using through beating of the strands and collecting hair on the inside of the strand. The first method is used for stronger fleece. To keep it better, it is recommended that the strands be slightly fixed on the inside of the strand with lacquer. Using it, you can create many voluminous hairstyles for a festive outlet and everyday life. For example, babette, you can easily do it yourself using a pile. To do this, a highly tied tail is combed and laid with a roller, followed by fixing with studs. To add volume to the fleece, you can put an artificial roller, which is completely covered with combed strands. They are bent under the roller and fixed with studs.

You can simply do the hairstyle on medium hair with your own hands, combing the strands in the back of the head, and then grab them with a rim or ribbon at the top of the head, see photo:

The ends of the combed hair can be collected with rubber and bent, fixing with hairpins in the neck.

This hairstyle is suitable for both young and women in age.

The considered options for hairstyles done on medium hair with your own hands are only a small part of the different styling of such strands. Choosing the right option for your hair, you should always take into account their structure and density, as well as facial features, type of figure, environmental conditions (outdoors, indoors, in the rain, in sunny weather) and the purpose of the hairstyle (for work, for a holiday). Given all these factors, you can always create a successful reliable hairstyle and not doubt its irresistibility.


Watch the video: TOP 5 LAZY EVERYDAY HAIRSTYLES with PUFF QUICK & EASY BRAIDS & UPDO for Long Medium HAIR (July 2024).