September 8: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 8th.


Holidays September 8

Crane day

The original exotic holiday is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of September. Imagine - cranes appeared on earth long before the dinosaurs 40-60 million years ago in North America! First, they migrated to Asia, then settled in Africa and Australia. They can be found almost everywhere, except, perhaps, Antarctica and South America. Most often they winter in Iran and in the west of India. In total, there are about 15 species of birds, and 7 species live in Russia seasonally.

Several rare species are listed in the Red Book. To save rare species, scientists laid eggs of endangered species with other birds. The Secretariat of the Bonn Convention on Cranes organized a working group, and proposed to celebrate World Crane Day, just these days an annual registration of cranes flying to warm countries is carried out. Everyone can take part in counting birds in places of their large concentration. September 8th photo exhibitions, promotions and festivals dedicated to various types of cranes are held.

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is celebrated by the United Nations. The literacy level of modern man is quite high, and this is a huge achievement of civilization. The number of literate people in the world totals more than 4 billion. However, a large number of people (860 million) are still illiterate, and more than 100 million children on the planet do not attend school. A large percentage of students participating in educational programs do not meet the expected level. An important UN task is to pay great attention to girls and boys who do not receive enough education.

Day of financial industry workers in Russia

The Ministry of Finance was established by the manifesto of Alexander I in 1801. Russia's oldest institution has stepped over its 200th anniversary, still playing a key role in the financial development of the state. Financiers in modern Russia are specialists who conduct money transactions on a legal basis in a newly formed budget system. The authorities have big tasks - to regulate the budget and control the cost structure, and the Ministry of Finance and the entire financial industry, which today celebrates their professional holiday, play an important role.

International Day of Journalism Solidarity

The 4th congress of the international organization of journalists was held in Bucharest in 1958, at which it was decided to celebrate the international day of solidarity of journalists. In memory of the famous Czech anti-fascist and political figure Julius Fucik, they decided to hold events on the day of his death in the dungeons of a Prague prison, who wrote the book "Report with a noose around his neck". The book of the anti-fascist and leader of the Prague Communists has been translated into 70 languages. On this day, journalists hold campaigns, conferences, congresses, share experiences, and reward the best representatives of their profession.

Day of Lake Baikal

At different times, the Siberian lake with fresh water attracted poets and writers, artists and tourists from many countries. Since 1999, Lake Baikal has been celebrated as an important date on the Russian calendar. Fresh water reserves are not endless - this is a well-known fact, which is why the unimaginably beautiful and deepest lake in the world with fresh water attracts special attention. Film festivals, exhibitions and competitions of applied folk art, performances of theater groups right on the lake are timed to this day. Before the holiday, a subbotnik must be organized with the participation of people who are not indifferent to the state of the lake. According to scientists, the age of Lake Baikal is about 20-25 million years.

Folk calendar September 8

Natalya Ovsyanitsa and Adriyan Autumn

Natalia and Adriyan are spouses who lived in Nicodemia at the beginning of the 4th century. Adrian was a pious young man from a noble pagan family. During the persecution of Christians by the emperor Maximilian, Adrian witnessed how 23 Christian martyrs suffered torture and patiently endured trials. He believed in Christ, but upon learning of this the Gentiles threw him into prison. Natalia suffered more mentally, and also earned the crown of the martyr.

On Natalia Ovsyanitsa oats mowing began. The first sheared sheaf was placed in a red corner in the hut. The hostess cooked porridge on oatmeal and treated guests, for dessert they cooked oatmeal jelly with lingonberries. Respect for oats is a tradition of Russian peasants, in addition, oats are the main food of horses: "No horses carry, oats carry." Signs of the weather on this day relate to the matinee - coolness predicted an early and frosty winter. A harsh winter should be feared if leaves have not yet fallen from birch and oak.

Historical events of September 8

September 8, 1380 - the legendary battle took place, in which Russian troops defeated the Tatar horde. The battle took place between three confluent rivers - Don, Nepryadva, Beautiful Swords in the territory of modern Tula region and was called Kulikovskaya. The battle began at about 12 o’clock when the fog cleared, and the troops were able to clearly see each other. Initially, the Mongol-Tatar regiments were superior, but the decisive word remained with the Russians. Scientists call different figures of the dead from the Russian side - from 5 to 25 thousand, it is known that 60 percent of the soldiers could not return home.

September 8, 1768 - For the first time in Russia, the practice was introduced to vaccinate against smallpox, a dangerous disease from which thousands of people died in the 18th century. The command to use the smallpox vaccine was made by Catherine II, it was she who became the first in Russia who tried the medical innovation. The empress was vaccinated with smallpox from a sick peasant boy; subsequently the baby was given the nobility, the coat of arms and the surname "Ospenny". Following the empress, the whole royal court began to be vaccinated against smallpox.

September 8, 1801 - Kazan Cathedral was laid on Nevsky Prospekt, now one of the largest religious buildings in the northern capital. The construction was completed in 1811, before going to war with Napoleon, Mikhail Kutuzov prayed here for a future victory. After the Patriotic War of 1812, Kazan Cathedral became a monument of Russian military glory, the great commander Kutuzov was buried here, military trophies of those years are also stored here.

September 8, 1914 - The first air ram was made by Pyotr Nesterov, who destroyed an Austrian plane near Lviv, which carried out an intelligence operation. After such a maneuver, Nesterov had no chance to stay alive.

September 8, 1962 - Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Ivan Childhood”, created on the basis of Vladimir Bogomolov’s novel “Ivan”, was awarded the prestigious Golden Lion of St. Mark film prize awarded in Venice. One of the first victories of Russian cinema in the international arena.

Born on September 8

Richard the Lionheart (Richard I Plantagenet, 1157 - 1199) - King of England

Richard was not supposed to be king, as he was the youngest child in the family. The blue-eyed blond was very beautiful, also wrote poetry, was perfectly educated for his generation. His height is 193 cm - a real medieval giant. He was a famous knight, but turned out to be a worthless king - he was always greatly influenced by his mother, Alienora of Aquitaine.

An imperious and outstanding woman had a great influence on all her children, and in fact led the rebellion raised by his sons against Henry 2. For some time, his father was a co-ruler with his eldest son. After the death of his brother, Richard went to war on his father, trying to restore justice and regain power from his younger brother John. Richard the Lionheart remained a significant person in the history of the country, despite the exorbitant taxes that ended his conquests.

Rasul Gamzatov (1923 - 2004) - Avar poet and writer of Soviet times

Rasul Gamzatovich began to publish his works before the war, and in 1943 the first book in Avar language was published. His work is also translations into the Avar language of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. Some of his poems have become popular songs. Famous pop singers considered it an honor to work with Rasul Gamzatovich, the author's creative evenings were held in many cities, many of his books were published in Russian and many languages ​​of the Caucasus. For several years he was the head of the writing organization of Dagestan.

Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova (1812 - 1863 years) - the wife of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

A beautiful and modest girl has always been surrounded by male attention. At a winter ball at the age of 16, she met with Pushkin, but the story of their acquaintance dragged on for two years, despite the fact that Alexander Sergeyevich made her an offer. He dedicated a series of beautiful poems to his bride. Young married in 1831. Natalie was very popular at balls and was well versed in her husband’s affairs: she edited essays and fulfilled the orders of the poet.

The Pushkin family life was cloudless, the poet was delighted with the intelligence and beauty of his wife. They had four children. After 6 years of a successful marriage, rumors appeared about Natalie's possible connection with the cornet Dantes, after which the famous duel took place that cut short the poet's life. Natalya was very upset by the death of her husband and refused social life. She first visited the theater after 6 years, was spotted by the queen and began to appear again in the courtyard. In 1944, she again married General Lansky, gave birth to three more children.

Name day on September 8

Name day celebrate: Adrian, Victor, George, Dmitry, Natalia, Peter, Roman.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).