What is L-carnitine, reviews. How to take L-carnitine for weight loss in order to get the desired result


Today it is fashionable to have a slender body, everyone finds his own option on how to achieve this. One of the common methods is the use of dietary supplements, among which the drug L-carnitine received great popularity. In the people it is called simply - carnitine.

In this article, we will analyze in detail: what is L-carnitine? In what doses and how is it taken to lose weight? What are the varieties of carnitine, as well as real reviews taking L-carnitine, as a means for losing weight, and much more.

The composition of carnitine, what is it for?

Carnitine is a vitamin-like substance, similar in its properties to B vitamins. Carnitine is an amino acid that helps convert fatty acids to energy. This amino acid can be obtained both in the form of additives and from products, for example, meat (lamb, pork, turkey, beef), dairy products.

The main task of L-carnitine is the transportation of fatty acids to the mitochondria, where the process of fat burning takes place directly, while endurance increases.

In addition, it helps to remove harmful substances as a result of metabolism. This is a kind of detoxification function, which is very useful because, as the decomposition products accumulate in the mitochondria, the rate of breakdown of fatty acids decreases sharply.

L-carnitine has the following functions:

1. Accelerates the process of fat burning.

2. Increases immunity.

3. Increases resistance to various stress situations.

4. Increases the stamina of the body.

5. Slows down the aging process.

6. Used as an effective detoxifier.

7. Displays "bad" cholesterol.

8. Helps strengthen bone tissue.

9. Enhances mental abilities.

10. Starts the mechanism of tissue regeneration.

11. Improves the cardiovascular system.

12. Improves sperm quality.

From the above listed positive properties, it can be noted that carnitine is used not only for weight loss, but also for healing the whole body.

Varieties of L-Carnitine

In stores or on the Internet you can meet the following varieties of this biological substance:

1. L-carnitine tartrate

2. L-carnitine fumarate

3. Acetyl carnitine

4. Propionyl carnitine

5. Pure carnitine

L-carnitine tartrate - has a high bioavailability, getting into the stomach the drug is easily broken down, breaking up into 2 substances - tartaric acid and pure carnitine, which are subsequently absorbed by the body separately. Carnitine tartrate is most often taken for weight loss.

L-carnitine fumarate - bioavailability is slightly lower than the previous drug. Favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system.

Acetyl carnitine - has a good ability to penetrate the brain. As a result, metabolic processes of the brain are activated, the syndrome of “eternal” fatigue is reduced, and thinking and memory are improved.

Propionyl carnitine - has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels. This is especially important for people with any cardiovascular disease, suffering from erectile dysfunction, and also improves sperm morphology, etc.

Pure carnitine - similar in its properties to L-carnitine tartrate.

To date, this amino acid is available in 3 types, namely:

• Capsules

• powder

• fluid

Levocarnitine in the liquid state is considered the most expensive, more affordable - in capsules. The difference in price is due to the fact that in liquid form this supplement is absorbed much faster, since the capsule, entering the body, dissolves in about 30 minutes, and only after that it begins to act. While the liquid form of the drug is instantly absorbed and begins to work. In powder form, it is a cross between the above two options.

How to choose carnitine for weight loss, what to prefer

If you need a quick version of the absorption of the drug, then get its liquid form or powder.

Buying carnitine in ampoules has the need to measure the right dose. If the speed of assimilation is not important for you, then buying in capsules will be much more profitable.

Proper intake of carnitine as a means to lose weight

The most optimal dose for losing weight is considered to be 1-2 g for women, for men 1.5-3 g per day. There is a concept that the more your weight, the more dosage is needed.

The most rational will be taking the drug on training days.

Remember: carnitine is effective for weight loss only if you are engaged in cardio training lasting more than 40 minutes!

It is recommended to take immediately before exercise. The drug is taken for 6 weeks, after which you need to take a break for at least 2 weeks.

Passive lifestyle - how to take L-carnitine to lose weight?

Someone chooses the passive side of losing weight, and is faced with the following question: how to take L-carnitine for weight loss in order to have a visible effect?

Answer: no way.

Let's plunge into the mechanism of action of the drug. Levocarnitine transfers fatty acids directly to the mitochondria, so that subsequently these acids could “burn out” there.

It is known that fats are burned aerobically, that is, in the presence of oxygen. It turns out that if you, having taken a portion of carnitine, lay on a sofa or sat down on a TV, then you should not wait for the desired result, since there is no anaerobic load.

So, if you want to use carnitine as a means to reduce weight, it is recommended to take it before any load - it can be a long shopping trip, physical work, etc.

3 main mistakes when taking L-carnitine for weight loss

1. Wrong dosage choice. If you are actively losing weight, getting ready for the summer or for competitions, then consuming 1-3 g of carnitine will be ineffective. Do not be afraid of an overdose, in this case, a maximum of such a side effect as diarrhea can be observed. But in order to bring the body to such a state you need to use a lot, the exception may be individual intolerance.

2. Wrong reception time. The peak of action of the drug occurs in 20-30 minutes of an hour from the moment of its administration and lasts for 1-2 hours. It turns out that it should be consumed about 15 minutes before the start of exercise. It should be remembered that carntin is rapidly excreted by the kidneys. The more you drink and visit the toilet more often during training, the faster the carntin will stop working.

3. A common myth. "Tightly work out, now you can also eat." If you are losing weight, it is not recommended to eat food after a workout. Many argue that, after a dose of carnitine, endurance appears, but the weight does not fall, but rather grows up. Yes, the drug increases endurance, sweating and pulse - this is a fact, but it also increases the appetite, which must be controlled to get the desired result.

How to take L-carnitine, for those who are not seeking to lose weight?

Those who are not interested in weight loss, but want to "improve" their body, it is recommended to take carnitine 2-3 times a day during meals, for one month, but not exceeding 2 g per day.

A second course of taking carnitine is in a month.

If there are diseases associated with the heart, kidneys, liver or any viral infections, then the dose should be no more than 1 g per day.

Avoiding a side effect when taking L-Carnitine

The main side effect is an increased feeling of hunger, since this drug accelerates the metabolic processes in the body even at rest.

Therefore, energy is constantly consumed, and in response to increased appetite. But if you follow the correct diet and exercise regularly, you can reduce the "thirst" of hunger.

Nutritionists recommend changing a low-calorie diet to a protein-carbohydrate diet with 5 meals a day, while eliminating alcohol, sugar, and excessive fat intake. Plus, you need to add up to 3 times a week power loads and 3-4 times a week - cardio loads.

Reviews of those who took L-carnitine for weight loss

Many who have used this drug in most cases leave positive reviews about carnitine. Those who took carnitine for weight loss come to the following conclusions: the drug really works if you eat proper nutrition in the complex, that is, do not starve, but also do not overeat and perform regular physical activity, then the result does not take long to wait.


Watch the video: L-Carnitine Benefits & Review (June 2024).