A fragrant and healthy cilantro on your table - a healer? Useful properties and contraindications of cilantro


This fresh green condiment is loved by many. This is due not only to the special taste of the plant, but also to its beneficial properties, frequent use in folk medicine.

What is cilantro? Its beneficial properties and contraindications

Cilantro is an annual herbaceous plant of the Coriander family, which is used as a spice. It is interesting that the seeds of this plant are called coriander, and its greens are called cilantro or Chinese parsley.

In appearance, cilantro resembles ordinary parsley, but if you rub its leaf at your fingertips, then immediately the difference between the two plants becomes obvious.

The smell and taste of cilantro is specific, not for everybody. Another common name for the plant is the bug.

Cilantro is successfully used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

For use in cooking, choose fresh cilantro with deep green leaves. It is recommended to store it as flowers in a glass of water, which must be placed in the refrigerator. Do not forget to change the water daily and prune the roots. You can still dry, wrap in a slightly damp cloth and put in a plastic container. Shelf life is 3 days. Dried and frozen cilantro in its beneficial properties is a useless product. It is better to eat cilantro fresh, it can also be added to salads, prepared dishes. This seasoning is added already at the end of cooking.

Peanuts with cilantro added. For example, Satsibeli. To prepare it, you need to grind cilantro in a special mortar, add garlic, crushed on a garlic crusher, fresh tomato paste, a little adjika, seasonings of suneli hops, ground coriander seeds, pepper, salt and a drop of vinegar.

It goes well with almost all products. As a seasoning, it is used for salads, first courses, as well as meat and fish. Coriander seeds are added to bakery products. Cilantro lovers really like its aroma in sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, stew. By the way, if you sprinkle raw meat with coriander seeds and sprinkle with vinegar, it will be stored longer and gain a spicy taste. Cilantro is suitable for decorating dishes.

Useful properties of cilantro

This plant is not in vain considered medicinal, since it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals:

• Vitamin K (310 mcg) - contributes to the normalization of blood coagulation in the body, with its help wounds and cuts heal very quickly.

• Vitamin P (1,114 mg) - nicotinic acid perfectly dilates the vessels of the brain. It is used to prevent strokes and diseases of the heart system. Also, if this substance is not enough in the body, then dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia (dementia) develop.

• Vitamin E (2.5 mg) is prescribed to couples who are planning offspring.

• B vitamins (B1 - 0.067 mg, B2 - 0.162 mg, B4 (choline) - 12.8 mg, B5 - 0.57 mg, B6 - 0.149 mg, B9 (folic acid) - 62 μg). The largest amount of vitamins B4 and B9, which are among the most important in their group. Choline ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, takes part in fat metabolism, cleanses the liver of fats, and helps normalize cholesterol. Folic acid is rightfully the basis of the human body. Without it, normal growth and development of the body, as well as the activity of the circulatory and immune systems, are impossible.

• Vitamin A (337 mcg) is an excellent antioxidant that also has fat-soluble properties. And the benefits of beta carotene (3.93 mg) for vision are known to every student.

The healing benefits of cilantro and indications for use in traditional medicine

The combination of all of the above elements as a whole has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. In particular:

• contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

• removes toxins, toxins, as well as other harmful substances from the body;

• favorably affects the process of assimilation of heavy food by the body;

• protects against intestinal cancer due to its fiber and pectin content;

• calms indigestion, prevents nausea and reduces vomiting;

• lowers blood cholesterol;

• is a powerful causative agent of appetite;

• is one of the effective means in the fight against overweight;

• eliminates bad breath, as well as the smell of tobacco and alcohol;

• eliminates toothache for a certain period of time;

• is an excellent tool in the fight against bleeding gums, as well as other diseases of the oral cavity;

• restores the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;

• suitable for hypertensive patients, as it significantly reduces pressure;

• helps lower blood sugar, which makes it possible to reduce the daily use of insulin.

• saturates the body with energy and at the same time eliminates insomnia.

Cilantro is an essential oil crop that has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Useful recipes for using cilantro in traditional medicine

1) If the digestive system is malfunctioning, it is recommended to use the following composition: grind 10-30 grams of cilantro seeds in a special marble or other mortar, pour one liter of hot boiled purified water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink a cup after each meal.

2) Elimination of halitosis, including alcohol and tobacco. 1 tsp pour dried cilantro herb into two cups of boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes. Rinse your mouth if necessary.

3) Removal of increased nervous breakdown. 1 tbsp pour coriander seeds into 100 grams of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark bottle for 14 days. After tincture, strain and take 40-50 drops throughout the day for 10 days until the general condition of the body normalizes. This tincture is a very effective antidepressant with a sedative and anticonvulsant effect.

Contraindications when using cilantro

Despite the huge number of positive properties of cilantro, sometimes its use can harm the body. Consider the main points:

1) individual intolerance to this seasoning.

2) The essential oils that make up this plant can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, get acquainted with this seasoning with a small dose. It is believed that the optimal amount of this product that can be consumed in one go is 35 grams.

3) Exclude it from the diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

4) Excessive use of this seasoning can lead to impaired memory and insomnia.

5) In some women, a hormonal system malfunction was observed, which can lead to a change in the monthly menstrual cycle.

6) If a person has suffered a stroke or heart attack, and also suffers from thrombophlebitis, then it is also undesirable to affect the body of this herb.

7) It is recommended to limit the use of cilantro to people who have gastritis with high acidity.

Enter cilantro into your diet. Besides the fact that it has a unique range of beneficial properties, it will give a rich taste and incomparable aroma to your dishes.


Watch the video: Dangers of Essential Oils: Top 10 Essential Oil Mistakes to Avoid. Dr. Josh Axe (June 2024).