Pork roast - the best recipes. How to cook pork roast properly and tasty.


Pork roast - general principles and methods of preparation

Roast - one of the most popular dishes of Russian cuisine. According to the classical canons, pork roast is a whole piece of meat baked in high heat (this is where its name came from). This piece should be fried before being placed in the oven for a short time, so that a crust forms, which will preserve the juiciness of the meat, and only then bake in the oven, shifting to a baking sheet. Before serving, ready-made meat should be cut into even, beautiful pieces and served with horseradish or mustard.

But modern roast is most often cooked in the form of meat baked in a pot or other utensils, often with potatoes, vegetables, etc. This roast is cooked a little differently. First, fry the meat in slices, then place it in a pot of vegetables (potatoes, mushrooms, onions, green peas, carrots, spices), then, salt and pepper, close the lid and bake in the oven. This roast should be served in the same pots in which it was baked.

Pork Roast - Preparation

The ideal choice of meat for roast pork is the neck, as the meat of the pig’s neck is tender and sufficient fat. Having selected a piece of pork for cooking roast, tendons and films are removed from it, washed and dried with a paper towel. Meat, which is planned to be baked in one piece, is often marinated in a wine or lemon marinade for several hours.

Preparing vegetables for cooking roast pork in pots is that they are washed, peeled and cut according to the recipe, if necessary, pre-fried in sunflower oil.

Pork Roast - Preparation

Typically, pork roast is cooked in pots. It is also very tasty in a cauldron or in other cast-iron dishes, which retain heat well. In this case, the meat during heat treatment is saturated with its juices and the aroma of vegetables with which it is prepared, and it turns out to be unusually tasty and mouth-watering.

If the roast is cooked in clay pots, it is recommended that about half an hour before placing food in it, soak it in warm water. Then its pores will be filled with moisture, which during heat treatment will preserve the juiciness and aroma of cooked meat and vegetables.

Pork Roast - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Roast Pork with Prunes and Dried Apricots

Roast pork with prunes and dried apricots has an original, slightly spicy taste. This meat, baked in foil, is an excellent hearty dish for an ordinary family dinner, however, it will be very appropriate on the festive table.


0.5 kg of pork neck;
3 cloves of garlic;
1 onion;
100 gr. prunes
50 gr dried apricots;
1 medium apple;
half a glass of mayonnaise;
2/3 cup meat broth;
to taste salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into thin rings, soak the dried apricots and prunes in water, peel the apple and cut into cubes.

1. Pork cut into portioned pieces and, rubbing them with garlic, salt, pepper and put each on a foil.

2. Grind dried apricots and prunes and put them together with chopped onions and apples on the meat, top with mayonnaise and broth. Raising the ends of the foil up, we fasten the edges of the foil and bake on a baking sheet in the oven.

Recipe 2: Italian Pork Roast

A very simple recipe, it does not require much time and products, and the result is simply excellent. A feature of this pork roast is the use of tomatoes, in the juice of which our pork is stewed with spices.


1 kg of pork;
0.5 kg of fresh tomatoes;
2 medium onions;
50 gr lard
to taste salt, pepper, spices for meat.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into pieces of medium size.

2. Peel the onion and cut into several pieces.

3. Melt pork fat in a cauldron so that it turns into bacon, take it out of the cauldron and put the meat there in small portions, in several passes, so that it is fried in one layer, this is important. The fact is that meat that does not immediately come in contact with boiling fat will let juice in, and this will make it tough. Salting meat during the first roasting is not worth it.

4. During frying in the cauldron of the last portion of meat, add onions to it, fry them together until the onions are golden in color and then add the previously fried meat pieces there.

5. Having scalded the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin from them, grind in a meat grinder and send to the cauldron for meat with onions, simmer together for about 5 minutes.

6. Season with salt, black pepper and spices, mix and simmer over low heat for about an hour and a half, stirring occasionally.

Recipe 3: Home-style Roast

The variety of components of this dish determines its rich taste and very mouth-watering appearance. Pork cooked with onions, carrots, white roots, dried mushrooms and potatoes is very nutritious, and it’s not difficult to cook it even for a novice cook.


300 gr pork collar;
2 onions
2 medium carrots;
celery root, parsley;
100 gr. dried mushrooms;
1 tbsp. l flour;
5 medium potatoes;
1 tbsp. l clarified lard or vegetable oil;
150 ml of mushroom broth;
to taste salt, pepper, bay leaf, other spices.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the mushrooms for about 2 hours, then boil them.

2. After washing the meat, dry it with a paper towel, salt, pepper and, roll in flour, quickly fry.

3. Cut the onion rings, carrots - circles. Finely chop the roots and boiled mushrooms and lay all the vegetables and meat in layers in a ceramic stew pot.

4. Fry the potatoes and also send it to the pot.

5. Fill everything with mushroom broth, salt, pepper, add spices and simmer in the oven until the meat and potatoes are ready.

Pork Roast - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

  • If you want to cook a real juicy meat roast from a piece of pork, then in no case can you salt it until fully cooked, since salt helps the juice to flow out of the meat and dry it out.
  • If the pork roast is cooked in a pot of potatoes, then you do not need to do it for future use, since after heating the dish will lose its taste. In this case, the potatoes should first be first quickly fried in vegetable oil so that it does not turn into a porridge in a pot.
  • When cooking roast pork in the oven, experienced chefs advise the first to put meat in the dishes, then carrots and onions, the last layer should consist of potatoes.


VIKA 11/15/2016

Dimka 08/03/2016
If I am poisoned now, I will condemn you girls


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Pork Recipes (July 2024).