The principles of skin care after the summer, the problems of pigmentation and dry skin. How to carry out proper skin care after summer


Leather - This is our protective barrier against various environmental factors.

The scorching sun, the thorny winter wind, raindrops mixed with chemicals accumulated in the atmosphere, chlorinated pool water, salty sea water. Our body protects the skin from all this.

In pursuit of fashion and imaginary beauty, many girls dry themselves in tanning salons and on the beaches, wanting to get a chocolate tan. Often, the race for attractiveness can cost her mistress health.

Our skin and so every day is hard.

A competent approach to caring for her and knowledge of the rules of a harmless tan will help preserve her youth and freshness for a long time.

Reasons to prepare for skin care after summer

Many factors influence our skin throughout life. In addition, from birth, everyone has different skin, and if external factors can be combated, it is more difficult to correct the genetic predisposition. Factors that have a negative effect on the skin include:

• Improper nutrition is one of the first factors that affect the condition of the skin. An unbalanced or poor diet primarily affects the condition of the skin of the face, it changes color, becomes oily or dries, depending on which foods prevail in the diet;

• Smoking and drinking alcohol significantly age the skin. From nicotine, the skin acquires a yellowish tint, and alcohol dehydrates it;

• Taking certain medications can cause a wide variety of skin reactions, from itching and rash to serious lesions;

• Excess ultraviolet light causes excessive dryness, peeling, age spots and even burns;

• Stress and lack of sleep cause peeling;

• Inadequate fluid intake dehydrates the skin, leading to premature aging.

Cook your sled in the summer. Preparation for skin care after summer

Summer is the time for sunbathing. To get the most out of this process and not harm your skin, you must follow some rules. It must be remembered that it is always easier to prevent excessive exposure to sunlight than to deal with their consequences later.

Ultraviolet rays are conventionally divided into two types:

• the first type A has the ability to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin, destroying its structure;

• The second type B is carcinogenic and can cause the appearance of neoplasms.

Therefore, on a hot sunny day, the mandatory use of protective creams, wearing glasses and hats. At a time when the sun is especially aggressive (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.), doctors strongly recommend completely abandoning exposure to direct sunlight. And the rest of the time you should not forget about the features of your own skin. Light and dark skin react differently to sunlight.

Focusing on the type of skin, you must choose a tool for safe tanning. Today they can be purchased in the form of oil, spray, cream or lotion with different contents of sun protection units. The more units, the lighter the skin type they are. If you are on the beach, then, no matter how much, according to the manufacturer, the sunscreen protects the skin from sunlight, its application must be repeated every time after a shower or bath in the sea or pool. The city also does not need to give up a protective cream.

After prolonged exposure to the sun, even if you regularly applied funds for safe tanning, the skin needs to restore water balance. Therefore, to prevent the first wrinkles, after tanning, apply soothing lotions and sprays to the body.

Skin Care Rules After Summer

No matter how hard you hide under umbrellas and hats during the summer, after it finishes, your skin can finally breathe calmly. With the beginning of autumn, there is no need to immediately abandon sunscreens. The sun is still aggressive and at least low sun protection products will come in handy. Exposure to ultraviolet rays is reduced, sweat and sebaceous glands are less active than in hot weather. It is time to examine the results, determine the methods for solving problems and the principles of skin care after the summer.

The problems that arose during the summer can be roughly divided into three groups:

  • Excessive dryness;

  • Pigmentation;

  • The appearance of spider veins.

Excessive dryness.Over the summer, the fibers responsible for its elasticity are destroyed in the skin under the influence of aggressive sunlight. As a result, the skin becomes flabby, peeling, a feeling of tightness appears. Therefore, the main thing to take care of with the advent of autumn is enhanced hydration. Beauticians recommend using various means with retinol to achieve this goal. This substance helps accelerated skin regeneration and resumes collagen synthesis. Under its action, small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin returns to its usual elasticity and smoothness. Retinol treatments can be performed both in beauty salons and at home. If you entrusted part of the procedures to professionals, and plan to perform part of the process at home, then try to use the funds used by one manufacturer. The general course must be carried out for at least a month. In addition, at home you can cook fruit or vegetable masks on your own, they will be good helpers in the fight for moisturizing the skin.

Pigmentation. If during the summer your skin lacked protection, then by the fall, you may have to observe dark spots on it. Unfortunately, getting rid of age spots is quickly impossible. In addition, after the procedure for removing age spots, the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight, so it is best to perform them with the onset of cloudy days. And before that, use proofreaders. Removal of age spots occurs due to substances that reduce the production of melanin by the skin. Healing serums are applied to damaged skin twice a day. As a result of these procedures, age spots are lightened, and the skin becomes smoother and more even. After bleaching procedures, peels are used that carefully remove dead cells, fixing the result of the procedures. The whole process of clarification takes a long period, so be patient.

Vascular asterisks. It should be noted right away that it is impossible to cure a burst vessel at home. You can only take care of strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Vascular rupture in the summer occurs as a result of exposure to all the same collagen fibers located in the vessels. Treat affected areas with creams containing vitamin K, arnica and linden extracts. At night, it is useful to use drugs that have a constricting effect, which will make bursting vessels less noticeable.

Skin care after the summer implies an integrated approach. Therefore, despite the problems encountered, do not forget about the standard procedures for daily care, the use of nourishing creams, proper cleansing and moisturizing.

Skin care after summer, preparation for winter

On the one hand, the task of skin care after the summer is to eliminate all the problems that have arisen during the summer, and on the other, to prepare tired skin for the autumn cold. In this matter, creams with vitamins and collagen that are more oily than in summer will come to the rescue. Beauticians recommend limiting skin contact with water in the fall. It is better to clean the skin from makeup and impurities during this period with micellar water. Caution should be taken with the peeling procedure. Choose milder products for him. It is best if the entire line of skin care products in the autumn-winter period will contain oil.

Also pay attention to nutrition. At the end of summer, you can try to give preference to a healthy diet and refuse salty, fatty and sweet. Try during this period plenty of vegetables and fruits. So you help your skin recover by supplying the components it needs additionally from the inside. Do not forget to use the amount of clean water your body needs during the day.

The elimination of skin problems that arose in the summer is a long and laborious process. This becomes especially noticeable with age. Therefore, remember that it is easier to try to prevent or at least minimize the impact of aggressive factors in the summer, than to fix the problems later.


Watch the video: Skin Care - Dry Skin Care - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies (July 2024).