Fennel - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Fennel - a general description

Plant fennel It is well known to most young parents, since drugs based on it are often used in the treatment of infant problems with tummies. Other names for this plant are pharmacy dill. Common fennel (lat. Foeniculum vulgare) is an annual (rarely perennial) plant with a straight hollow stem of a cylindrical shape about 100-150 cm high. From the bottom, the stem is single, then branching.

Fennel leaves are alternate, grow on petioles, divided. The flowers are small yellow, collected in umbrella inflorescences on the tops of the stems. Flowering occurs at the beginning and middle of summer, the fruits in the form of two-seeded seeds from two half-fruits ripen in August-September. All parts of the plant have a characteristic strong spicy smell, reminiscent of the aroma of anise, and the fruits have a sweetish taste.

Fennel - types and places of growth

Wild fennel is found in areas with warm and temperate climates. India is considered the birthplace of this plant; at present, it can be found in the Caucasus, southern Urals, and Central Asia. He prefers stony dry soils and open sunny places, grows along roads and in residential areas. Cultivated plants are planted in gardens and on personal plots in the Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine and Belarus.

Fennel - healing properties

Fennel-based drugs are widely used in both folk and official medicine. Its fruits are extremely rich in essential oils, the content of which reaches 6%, protein compounds (up to 20%), sugars and fatty oils (5 and 18%, respectively). Fennel oils contain anisic acid, anethole, fenhol, anise ketone and anise aldehyde, methylchavicol, limonene, fellandren, dipentene and pinene. This composition allows the use of fennel in the treatment of gastrointestinal spasms, as a carminative for flatulence and bloating, as well as dyspepsia.

In addition, it can be used to treat respiratory diseases and to enhance lactation during breastfeeding. Fennel can be used both by itself and as part of medicinal fees (breast, choleretic, sedatives, etc.).

Fennel - dosage forms

For the preparation of medicines, fennel fruits are used. They are harvested at the end of summer, umbrellas with fruits are tied and hung in the shade. Fennel fruits can be stored for 2 years. Infusions are prepared from it or oil is squeezed out under industrial conditions. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

Fennel - recipes

Fennel infusion is prepared from 2 teaspoons of crushed dried raw material, filled with 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 10 minutes, filtered and cooled. Take the drug 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day before meals as a carminative.

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, a less concentrated infusion is used, prepared similarly, but from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of fennel and 500 ml of water.

As a carminative, you can use the combined preparation, which is prepared from fennel, peppermint and valerian in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture should be filled with 500 ml of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for about 1 hour. Reception in small portions during the day before meals.

It is rather difficult to make fennel oil on your own, it is easier to purchase a finished drug. Take 5-10 drops several times a day as directed by a doctor. This remedy is also effective for flatulence and bloating.

Fennel - contraindications

Fennel is not recommended to be used without the appointment of a doctor for pregnant and lactating women. In addition, individual intolerance of its components is possible.


Svetlana 05/10/2016
And I did not know how this fennel looks like. Indeed, it is very similar to our dill, you can’t tell it right away. But the name is so familiar ... Now I think where I could come across it. I haven’t come up with anything yet))

Masha 05/10/2016
Yes, I now recall that we used the oil of this plant when I had a small child. It's hard for me to remember such things, because I gave birth early, and my mother was mainly engaged with my daughter. She is well versed in all these nuances.

Lena 05/10/2016
That is, this plant can only be grown in a more or less warm climate. In the cool, does it not grow? Of course, fennel oil is easier to buy than to get it from such a small plant. Moreover, it is used in official medicine.

Iraida 05/10/2016
I must admit that I, too, was not aware that this plant is fennel ... It seems to me that I would not have distinguished it from dill. Oh, they are very similar, judging by the picture. And fennel oil is familiar to me, I don’t remember, in this connection, really.

Irina 05/10/2016
I, apparently, belong to those few women who do not know this plant)) I generally thought that fennel is some kind of southern fruit)) And this fruit looks completely different. Now, at least someone enlightened me))


Watch the video: Surprising Health Benefits Of Fennel Tea. Uses Of Benefits Of Fennel Tea (June 2024).