Rhodiola - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Rhodiola rosea - a general description

Rhodiola pink (Rhodíola rósea, golden root, pink root) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Crassulaceae. The root is thick, shiny, pearly, its golden color has become the reason that this plant with a huge list of useful medical properties began to be called the golden root. The number of upright unbranched stems reaches 15 pcs., Height up to 40 cm.

A single-stem plant is rare. The leaflet is sessile, oblong-ovate, elliptical, pointed, with denticles on the upper part. The thyroid inflorescences consist of multiple yellow flowers. The flowering period is the beginning or middle of summer. Fruits in the form of greenish leaflets ripen in August.

Rhodiola rosea - types and places of growth

The famous medicinal plant, resembling ginseng root in its properties, is distributed throughout Russia much more than its no less famous counterpart, although it is considered rare. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia in the third category, it is protected in many places of free growth - in Altai, Yakutia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the White and Barents Seas. This adaptogen does not require a large amount of light and heat, but cannot live without moisture, it needs abundant flow of water.

Rhodiola rosea - healing properties

Siberian ginseng, or Rhodiola rosea, is a very valuable medicinal plant. It stimulates the dynamic and static work of human organs and systems. Fatigue against the background of increased load is removed when using rhodiola preparations, it can quickly improve energy metabolism, activating oxidative processes and phosphorylation. Improving mental performance improves memory and attention. In addition, it treats cardiovascular, skin and gastrointestinal diseases, gout, diabetes, anemia, impotence.

Rhodiola rosea - dosage forms

Numerous studies of the golden root have identified it as a real storehouse of valuable substances: essential oil, tannins, 20 of the most valuable trace elements for human life, acids. The rhizomes of the plant smell like rose oil. At the end of flowering of the plant (end of July), the harvesting of the plant begins and continues until the end of summer until the fruits are formed. For drying dug rhizomes, direct sunlight is contraindicated. Pink root retains its healing properties for two years. The juice of the plant treats wounds, jaundice, and official medicine uses liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea (Extractum Rhodiolae fluidum) in psychiatry.

Rhodiola rosea - recipes

- Rhodiola rosea tea relieves fatigue and overwork, increases working capacity and endurance.

- Rhodiola root is added to sweets and treat weakened children. Sweets, candy, jams are useful on long trips and trips, as well as in winter.

- Tincture from the underground parts of Rhodiola: 50 g of crushed roots and rhizomes of the golden root are poured with alcohol 40 g., In the amount of half a liter. Insist two weeks in a dark place. Take dropwise, 20-30 pcs before meals. With increased pressure, the dosage should be significantly reduced, and the number of doses should be left unchanged. Enough 5 drops 3 times a day.

Rhodiola rosea - contraindications

This medicinal plant has a powerful healing effect, but excess dosage can cause the opposite effect. Increased irritability, insomnia, discomfort in the heart can signal that consumption norms are exceeded. A medicine from Rhodiola rosea is completely contraindicated in case of hypertensive crisis and sleep disorder, also with overexcitation.


Olga 05/06/2016
I was also interested in tea based on Rhodiola rosea. Recently, I feel constant fatigue, and some kind of apathy. I even went to the doctor, they said that everything was in order. Prescribed vitamins, but it’s better to drink grass, because, vitamins, around fake.

Svetik 05/06/2016
I didn’t even know what could be done this way - add to the jam, jam the root of Rhodiola rosea, and feed these children. So then, it should be useful if its application improves memory and general condition. With the current loads of our children, this is not at all superfluous.

Inna 05/06/2016
Wow! Even in psychiatry, this plant is used. I am familiar with Rhodiola, as my friend has diabetes and she is taking medicine based on this flower. Now I wanted to try tea from a radiola, additional forces will never hurt.

Valentina 05/06/2016
As I understand it, the golden root and the radiola pink are one and the same plant. It’s just that some people know this name, and some others. Therefore, I thought that these are two different plants. But the strength of both of their healing properties is known to me.

Diana 05/06/2016
Well, of course, this plant has long been known to everyone for its healing power. The most important thing that it does is it strengthens the immune system, gives strength, vitality, vitality. And if you have all this, then you are not afraid of illness. Therefore, no one will be hurt by taking this medicinal plant.


Watch the video: Rhodiola! - Best Herb On The Planet? Incredible Mood Booster, Adaptogen Energizer & Anti-Depressant! (June 2024).