July 31: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 31.


Holidays July 31

Hawaiian Flag Day

The idea of ​​the Hawaiian flag belonged to the monarch. In 1816, Kameamea the Great developed the “design” of the flag. Alternating horizontal stripes on it (white, red and blue) became the symbols of 8 island states: Maui, Oahu, Kahoolawa, Kauai, Niihau, Molokai and the Big Island. In addition, in order to remind society of the historical relations of Hawaii with Great Britain (its protectorate), the British flag was also placed in the upper left corner of the flag. And the Hawaiian Flag Day holiday was established at the initiative of the local governor D. Waihehe in 1990.

It should be noted that it was the reign of Kameamea the Great that became a turning point for the islands and very prosperous. In these years, their unification took place, as well as the creation of a single independent state. Before ascending the throne of Kameamea, each island in the chain of the archipelago was governed by its ruler, who had the status of a leader. Thanks to the agility, determination and foresight of the monarch, the trade in coffee, sandalwood, furs and pineapples began to flourish in the Hawaiian Islands.

The Great Ruler paid special tribute to relations with Britain. In 1793, part of the territory of the Hawaiian Islands, as a result of long negotiations with captain Vancouver, was transferred to her possession. However, in fact, the United Kingdom was in fact not related to this trade transaction. There is an opinion that some elements of the national Hawaiian flag are very reminiscent of the drawings of the flag of the Commonwealth and have elements of the American. An interesting fact is that Hawaii is the only US state that has “in its book of life” pages about the period of the monarchy, which is also reflected in the “face” of the national flag of Hawaii.

July 31 on the folk calendar

Emelyanov’s name day

On this day, the people honor the memory of the holy great martyr Emilian, who lived in the fourth century during the reign of Emperor Julian, an ardent persecutor of Christians. According to legend, the saint suffered for faith in Christ. The ruler issued a decree on the extermination of all Christians without exception. In the city of Dorostol, where Emilian lived, this decree was read out on the square in the presence of the whole city. By order of the emperor, the saint was beaten for a long time, and then sentenced to be burned. And so the young guardian of the Christian faith perished.

By this period, in the southern regions of Russia, peasants were completing the harvest. At the end of the suffering, all land tools were laid out on the field around and consecrated by a invited priest. After which they were taken home, cleaned in the attic and stored until the next season. On Emelyanov Day, there was an unbreakable tradition of visiting a bathhouse, where people could take a steam bath with brooms from field herbs, birch, willow twigs and rye straw. It was believed that such a ceremony removed fatigue after lengthy field work. In the evening, the housewives made preparations for the winter: pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, cooked compotes and preserves.

Folk Signs July 31

If today is hot, then December will be cold;
If birch leaves turn yellow on the top of the head, early fall should be expected this year;
If spruce cones mostly focus on the top of spruce trees - this is a symbol that frosts will hit in winter only in January;
People born on this date are favored by a symbol in the form of a daisy flower.

Historical Events July 31

July 31, 1605 - Wedding on the kingdom of the impostor False Dmitry the First

In 1605, the impostor Yuri Otrepiev was crowned in the walls of the Moscow Kremlin under the name of Dmitry the First. He went down in history as False Dmitry the First. According to some studies, Otrepiev was a small nobleman. In 1602, having fled to Lithuania, he passed himself off as the surviving son of Ivan the Terrible. As Karamzin noted: “Otrepyev, despite his ugly appearance, had a bright talent for red-tongue, thanks to which he was able to convince crowds of people, and the boyars simply marveled at his ability to“ click “difficult matters”. However, his reign was very short-lived - after eleven months the impostor was killed.

July 31, 1956 - The opening in Moscow of the Central Stadium. Lenin, now called Luzhniki

On the opening day of the stadium, a grand sporting event took place in its large arena, in which many prominent athletes of the Soviet Union took part. On the same date, a friendly match took place between the national teams of the PRC and the RSFSR. And a few days later, the largest domestic sports started in the Big Sports Arena. Since then, several thousand athletics competitions have been held at the Lenin Moscow Stadium, as well as major international football matches. The opening ceremonies (and closures too) of many sports were also held here. The XXII Summer Olympic Games in Moscow occupy an important place on this list.

July 31, 1994 - Sergei Bubka set a still unbroken pole vault record

On the date of our review in Italy, a young outstanding athlete of Ukraine jumped a pole with a height of more than six meters, thereby setting a unique world record that has not yet been beaten by anyone. As a nineteen-year-old boy (in 1983), Bubka won his first “serious" award in Helsinki - a gold medal. And after that he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports. At twenty years old, the jumper set his first jump record, taking a height of almost six meters. His fifth record was set in 1985 in Paris, thanks to which the athlete received a significant gift - a red Ferrari. The car was estimated to cost at least one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. In Donetsk, where Bubka took place as an athlete, a lifetime bronze monument was erected in his honor.

Born on July 31

Praskovya Sheremeteva (1768 - 1803) - serf actress, countess. In childhood, she was taken from the orphanage by Princess Dolgoruka, she was brought up in the school of Count Sheremetev. There Praskovya studied theater and acting. Her glorious "highlight" was a very beautiful and sonorous voice. Thanks to this, the countess performed on the stage of the theater under the pseudonym Zhemchugova. In addition, Sheremeteva devoted a considerable part of her time to charity.

Fred quimby (1886 - 1965) - American film producer who directed the animation at the Metro Goldwin Mayer studio. Seven times was awarded the highest Academy Award. His surname is familiar to all of us from cartoons about Tom and Jerry.

Oleg Popov (born in 1930) - the famous clown. All over the world, Popov is called the "Solar Clown", and it is not known how his life would have developed if he had not once replaced a sick clown in the circus. And without it, the performance, as you know, is not so joyful and vivid. For the first time, Popov entertained the public for the first time, and he returned to his native Riga as a clown. Recent years Oleg Konstantinovich lives and works in Germany.

Edita Pieha (born in 1937) - pop singer of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR.

Leonid Yakubovich(born in 1945) - Russian TV presenter, creative showman. At the moment, is broadcasting the program "Field of Miracles."

Birthday July 31

Celebrate: Emelyan, Athanasius, Kuzma, Ivan, Leonty, Stepan, Miron, Apollinaria, Ignatius, Angelica, Elena.


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