Flax - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Flax - general description

Flax - a representative of perennial, rarely annual herbaceous plants of the Norian family. The root root branches out into two long creeping shoots. A straight stem, stretching up to 60 cm or more in height, is covered with dense foliage. Alternately sessile leaves with pronounced venation are linear in shape.

Flaxseed flowers, clustered in capitate, racemose, or panicled inflorescences, consist of a straight two-lipped (orange, yellow) corolla and irregular petals of white, pink, or lilac color. Flax blossoms from June to August, and forms box-shaped fruits in September. Despite the fact that flax is a weed, it is often used to decorate lawns and gardens.

Flax - species and places of growth

The genus has about a hundred species, distributed mainly in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean and extratropical regions of the entire Northern Hemisphere. About 70 species grow on the territory of the former USSR, most of which are concentrated in Central Asia and the Caucasus. In Russia, there are only 6-8 varieties of flax flax, some are widely used in decorative gardening.

Common flax (wild flax) is considered to be the most common species that lives in the European part of our country, as well as in Western Siberia. Unpretentious weed occupies sandy places, slopes, edges, roadsides, crops of fodder crops, etc., is well adapted to dry soil. It is common flax flax most often used for medicinal purposes.

Flax - medicinal properties

The plant got into the home medicine cabinet due to its healing properties, which have a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, laxative, anthelmintic action.

Flax flaxseed tidies up the gastrointestinal tract, removes sand and stones from the bladder, eliminates dizziness, migraine, cystitis, diathesis, dropsy. It is also used for angina (as a rinse), hemorrhoids, myopathy, furunculosis, jaundice, conjunctivitis (eye wash). The positive effect of flax on blood is also proved.

Flax - dosage forms

For external and internal use, fresh or dry grass of flaxseed is used, which is cut during flowering. In winter, the grass is dried in the open air, as the raw material has a not very pleasant smell, which intensifies during drying.

As therapeutic agents, infusions, decoctions, ointments are used. Baths and lotions are used to treat skin diseases, hemorrhoids, lichen and warts. Divorced infusion treat damaged hair and eliminate dandruff.

Flax - traditional medicine recipes

Infusion for skin diseases (purulent wounds, ulcers, acne, furunculosis), hemorrhoids: pour a tablespoon of dry grass in 400 ml of boiling water, mix and insist under the lid for 2-3 hours. It is necessary to apply the tool in the form of compresses and washes. Infusion can be used to rinse your mouth and throat, filtering previously.

Tincture for constipation: take 1 part of the herb and pour the same amount of 40% vodka, insist a couple of hours, be sure to strain, squeeze and drink 1 teaspoon before bedtime. Keep tincture in the refrigerator or any cool place.

Infusion for the treatment of kidney and liver diseases: prepare a collection of three herbs: flax, corn stigmas and immortelle. These plants complement each other perfectly and enhance the healing effect. Next, take an extract of all herbs on a teaspoon and pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 1-2 hours, squeeze the raw materials. You need to drink the infusion on the table. spoon three times a day before meals.

Flax - contraindications

It is better to refrain from flax-based preparations for children, pregnant and lactating women, with cirrhosis, renal and liver failure. The plant is poisonous, so it is necessary to observe a strict dosage, applying it inside. The course of treatment should be no more than 10 days with a minimum break per week.

An overdose of flax can cause severe dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and loss of consciousness. If you suspect poisoning, the patient should immediately rinse the stomach, in case of deterioration - call a doctor.


Ira 04/28/2016
I remember my friend rinsing her hair with a decoction of flax. In my opinion - from dandruff. And so, I did not know that this herb is medicinal. With us, it grows everywhere, I just tear it out. Thank. I'll know. It may come in handy in the future.

Lucy 04/28/2016
That year, I made a decoction of this plant, the name, I also did not know it. Just someone advised. I had some bumps under my skin, maybe boils, maybe something else ... In general, I applied a decoction of flax, and everything went.

Svetlana 04/28/2016
Thank you for such useful information. I will try to cure acne with this plant. Yes, and many to whom, this recipe may be needed. I’ll tell mom that a wart that has been tormenting her for a long time, is burnt with this juice. Hope it helps.

Anastasia 04/28/2016
I know this plant as a means of treatment and complete disposal of warts. I just, at one time, had such a problem, and they advised me to flax. True, I did not know the name. It really helped, the warts passed and did not return.

Marina 04/28/2016
ABOUT! And we have such a flower growing. I really don’t like him. It constantly has some bugs, spiders, and other bicaras)) And for the decor, I think it’s not very ... If only it is densely planted ... Yes, and this flax has a lot of contraindications, with possible grave consequences.


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