Phlegmon - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Phlegmon - This is a purulent diffuse inflammation of the soft tissues, which is characterized by diffuse impregnation of tissues with purulent exudate. It has a tendency to spread very quickly and become involved in the purulent process of fiber, muscles and tendons.

This feature is the difference between phlegmon and abscess, in which the process is limited by the pyogenic membrane from the surrounding tissues. Phlegmon can develop in absolutely any part of the body. In a turbulent course, it captures a number of anatomical regions.

Phlegmon - reasons

Phlegmon is a non-infectious disease, the infection affects only the deep layers of the skin - the subcutaneous tissue and dermis, and the epidermis (upper skin) blocks the spread of infection.

Streptococci, staphylococci and other microbes cause the disease, which penetrate the body through damage to the mucous membranes, skin and blood. Phlegmon can be caused by the introduction of chemicals (turpentine, kerosene, gasoline) under the skin or become a complication after an abscess, carbuncles or other purulent processes.

Phlegmon - Symptoms

At first there is a painful swelling, redness of the skin above it, severe pains are noted, body temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees Celsius and above. The disease is accompanied by general weakness and intense thirst. Over time, the swelling increases, the skin glossy and redden. On palpation, clear boundaries of the seal are determined, motionless and very hot.

The course of the disease is usually extremely severe. In the primary stage, subcutaneous fatty tissue retains a gelatinous appearance and is saturated with a cloudy serous fluid. When soft tissue infiltration increases rapidly, the exudate becomes purulent. Putrefactive phlegmon is characterized by necrosis and fusion of tissues with a characteristic fetid odor. Diffuse inflammation of the soft tissues and necrosis of the muscles, subcutaneous tissue with the formation of numerous gas bubbles are noted.

Phlegmon - diagnosis

Diagnosis of superficial phlegmon, as a rule, does not present great difficulties. Inspection, medical history and palpation are important. During a blood test, a neutrophilic shift to the left and high leukocytosis are recorded. If phlegmon is localized in the intermuscular spaces (pelvic, retroperitoneal), then the diagnosis can be difficult. In such situations, it is necessary to take into account the source of infection and apply additional studies using endoscopy, radiography and fistulography.

Phlegmon is often complicated by thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and purulent sagging along the path of aponeurotic and tendonous formations. Patients with a diagnosis of Phlegmon should only be treated in a hospital.

Phlegmon - treatment and prevention

The main method of treating phlegmon is surgery. Novocainic blockade, antibiotic therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment, the introduction of drugs that increase the body's defenses are permissible only in the initial stage of the disease. If there is no quick positive effect (improvement in general well-being, blood counts, normalization of body temperature, cessation of pain) and an increase in symptoms of intoxication is observed, then emergency surgical intervention is required. Early surgical intervention prevents the spread of the purulent process, as well as the development of intoxication.

Prevention of phlegmon is the prevention of microtraumas in everyday life and at work, the timely provision of medical care for microtraumas, injuries, the introduction of foreign bodies. Of no small importance is the treatment of pyoderma and other local foci of infection.


Watch the video: Abscesses - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (May 2024).