Proven scientific facts about love


Many experts analyze blood tests, measure heartbeat and compare the behavior of different people to explain the love from the scientific side of the issue. This article describes several discoveries in this area that biologists have been able to make.

Love is like a drug.

If you conduct a tomography of the brain of a person who is experiencing a state of love, you can distinguish one interesting feature: it will be strongly activated two areas that are responsible for the "reward system". Experts say that this is directly related to the high content of dopamine - a substance that is responsible for the feeling of pleasure. Interestingly, these areas of the brain work with the same power when cocaine is consumed.

Love is a kind of survival method..

In the animal kingdom there are 3 stages in a relationship: desire, dedication, affection. Desire is a condition based on the necessary physiological need - sexual desire. Enthusiasm is fixation on a specific object. Attachment is a strong bond that always implies a long-term breeding program. Biologists have made sure that people's love is similar to the forms of hobbies of animals. Love appeared in our distant ancestors as a principle of survival. This feeling helped to save efforts to achieve the only partner for the continuation of the race.

Love lasts only from one and a half to three years.

There is a certain scientific meaning in this conclusion: such a period guaranteed father participation in our most distant ancestors in the most difficult moments of the life of the mother and baby. However, in the presence of separation or other factors - falling in love can last much longer.

Love is blind.

German researcher Andreas Bartel took several pictures of the human cerebral cortex. The pictures show that when in love, some parts of the brain are in a state of sleep. These sites should be responsible for negative experiences and making rational decisions.

How does depression appear.

People who have experienced love disappointment go through 2 stages. First, the level of dopamine is much increased. As a result of this process, rage and an even sharper feeling of love appear. But always the person is waiting for the second stage, in which the content of dopamine is reduced to a minimum level, which causes severe depression.

There is a dependence on love.

We have already seen that the feeling of love can be compared with the action of cocaine. However, biologists advise to treat the "broken heart" as well as drug dependence. For this you need to remove all sorts of incentives and items that will remind you of your former partner.

There are drugs for love.

A man in love has some chemical changes in the blood. It has a reduced serotonin content, which is a very important hormone. Biologists blame it on dopamine, which can push a person to reckless actions and deeds. In the United States of America, the treatment of such a condition is already being seriously discussed, since a large number of crimes are committed on the basis of love.

Serotonin can kill love.

Scientists conducted a small experiment in which a rat was given a large dose of serotonin, after which it rejected its regular partner and mated with all individuals. The fact is that this substance reduces the content of dopamine. It must be remembered that the use of antidepressants increases serotonin levels significantly.

Diversity can save love.

Everyone knows that having arrived on vacation, being in an unfamiliar hotel, many married couples are capable of committing various madnesses. In response to any new state, high volume dopamine is released again in the brain. For several years, American psychotherapists have been recommending that all couples have an appointment at least once every two weeks. But they do not advise to always visit one restaurant. It is always necessary to look for variety.

The strong floor loves eyes.

In the male half of humanity at the stage of acute love, a part of the brain that is responsible for vision is noticeably excited. In the case of women, the area that is responsible for memory becomes more active. That is why all women perfectly remember all the details of your affair with her.
