5 quit smoking myths


Everywhere there is an active fight against tobacco smoking. Even young children are aware of the dangers of smoking. However, many adults still believe in smoking cessation myths.

When it comes to smoking, a bunch of myths pop up immediately. No less than their number goes about the rejection of cigarettes.

1. A smoked cigarette will help you relax.

Is that familiar? This myth constantly looms around us. However, you can also hear that a cigarette will help to concentrate. Can’t you see the contradiction? How can one and the same substance produce two opposite effects?
Yes, nicotine really contributes to the production of the hormone of pleasure. However, this will soon require a new portion of this hormone. It is at this moment that I want to drag out again. Too reminiscent of the effect of the drug.

2. Smoking can not be put on a par with hard drugs.

Let's look at specific numbers. Currently, more than 1 billion people smoke around the world. A huge number of people! And in our country, as many as 36% of adults are addicted.
Almost every smoker realizes that smoking is extremely harmful. Most of them want to give up addiction. Of these, only a small amount is able to smoke for a year. Often, the reason for this is unrealistic expectations, which are based on myths about smoking.
Despite the fact that nicotine and amphetamine (and other drugs) affect different parts of the brain, they require medical attention. According to studies, cigarette smokers are more addicted than alcoholics or people who use cocaine, marijuana. People who overcame addiction to cocaine and alcohol say it was much easier to do than quit smoking.

3. If you quit smoking, then you get fat.

This fear of looking unattractive is the reason for most women, according to which they do not even try to quit smoking.
In fact, nicotine helps reduce appetite. Sometimes, it speeds up the metabolic processes in the body. And when you give up nicotine, the appetite stabilizes and returns to the individual norm. Why is weight gain a common problem? A person who gives up cigarettes becomes nervous. He also suffers from withdrawal syndrome. Both of these factors together lead to the fact that the former smoker begins to lean on food. So he is trying to get rid of stress.
However, you can always control this process. A competent choice of products and sports will not let you gain extra pounds. You can also consult a doctor on this topic, because there are a lot of medications. able to help.

4. There is no point in quitting, because then you will start smoking again.

Even if all previous attempts turned out to be a failure, you can still give up smoking. Some smokers try to give up their addiction 8 times. And only 9 times promises them success.
First and foremost, awareness must come that smoking is a disease. The smoker must make a firm decision about quitting. And only then try different methods.
People simply do not understand that smoking is a serious addiction that is on a par with drugs. Meanwhile, an active smoker is a person who smoked a hundred cigarettes and continues to smoke (even if in modest quantities).

5. The most important thing is to have willpower.

In most cases, it is not enough just to have willpower to quit smoking. Only a small proportion of smokers (3% of the total) are able to cope with the addiction on their own. Everyone else needs help. Even a small conversation with your doctor about quitting cigarettes will increase your chance by 30%. If you do not want to talk with your doctor, you can always call the helpline. They will support you psychologically and give valuable recommendations.

No need to believe unverified facts. If you have a desire to give up a bad habit, then do everything possible to do this. Throw this stuff!


Watch the video: Cancer Mythbusters: Light cigarettes vs. regular (May 2024).