Clear and hidden symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Learn how to recognize them.


Magnesium is called the element of life. Proper concentration is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the whole organism.

Excess coffee, sleep deprivation, stress, processed foods are our daily lives. Thus, we unwittingly lose a lot of valuable nutrients, deficiencies that cause health problems.

These factors contribute to the leaching of magnesium from the body. We are not always aware of this. Let's see what symptoms can be caused by a lack of this element.


Sometimes magnesium deficiency causes symptoms similar to other diseases. Palpitations and chest pains may indicate heart problems. In this case, you should consult your doctor, but often this is due to too low doses of magnesium in the diet.

Damaged hair

Does your hair fall out, do your nails break? In this situation, women often make up cosmetics, oils, conditioners, or horsetail and nettle preparations or vitamin A + E. They can undoubtedly improve the appearance of the skin and hair, but magnesium should also be used to improve their condition. Also, tooth decay can be caused by a deficiency of magnesium in the diet. This is an important element not only for health, but also for beauty.

Pregnancy problems

Women who have problems with pregnancy or maintaining them should also increase the dose of magnesium. The diastolic effect of this element reduces the risk of premature birth.

No strength, constant colds

Magnesium deficiency may also be responsible for increased susceptibility to infection and weakened immunity. Magnesium also adds energy to daily functioning.


Magnesium is also responsible for well-being. Its imperfections can cause far-reaching changes in mood and functioning. Too low doses can result in insomnia, neurosis, aggression, depression, anxiety.
It is worth taking care of an appropriate diet rich in magnesium, and if this is not enough, consult a doctor with the possibility of adding magnesium and other elements.


Watch the video: If You Recognize These Early Warning Signs, You Have Nutrient Deficiency (June 2024).