Supplements do not protect against heart disease and cancer


It is no secret that millions of people around the world drink various vitamin and mineral supplements that can protect them from various kinds of diseases. However, scientists have established: we spend money pointlessly, trusting in the promises of manufacturers of dietary supplements.

Researchers at the Portland Science Center Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, in the course of numerous experiments and observations, have come to the unequivocal conclusion: no mineral and vitamin supplements protect a person from the possibility of developing cancer or cardiac diseases. According to scientists, no matter how many people take dietary supplements, the risk of developing these diseases does not decrease.

In addition, the U.S. experts The Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has issued recommendations stating that they cannot recommend taking vitamin and mineral supplements as a preventative measure for cancer or heart disease. However, whether the use of such supplements is harmful to health is not specified in the expert report.

The USPSTF recommendations also emphasize that, contrary to popular belief, neither beta-carotene nor vitamin E should be taken to prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease. A slightly earlier study, on the contrary, showed that taking these drugs increases the risk of developing lung cancer in those who have a genetic predisposition to it or are at risk.

Every year, Americans spend about $ 12 billion on various supplements, although 580 thousand people die of cancer every year and 600 thousand die of heart disease in the United States. Thus, statistics inexorably indicate that no vitamins and minerals protect a person from the possibility of developing these serious diseases.


Watch the video: Do Vitamins & Supplements Help Heart Health? (May 2024).